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BSA New Member
Bestir Limited was founded with
The inception of Bestir Limited
a clear mission: to stimulate the
bean-to-cup machine market by
providing premium drink quality, Key Benefits of
and premium build quality at an Bestir's Bean-to-
affordable price. Cup Coffee
The company emerged to fill a Machine Range
marketgap for coffee solutions that
deliver a superior cup of coffee and Bestir Limited’s bean-to-cup
cater to the evolving needs of coffee machines offer several
businesses.Bestir Limited set out to advantages, making them a top
create a brand known for business choice. The machines
innovation, efficiency, and value, feature a user-friendly, intuitive
combining the expertise of interface that simplifies the coffee-
coffee enthusiasts and industry making process, allowing users to
professionals to design machines select their preferred drink
that bring out the best in coffee quickly. Cleaning is made easy
beans. with straightforward procedures
that reduce downtime and ensure
From the start, Bestir Limited optimal performance.
focused on integrating advanced
technology with a deeper The machines are designed to be
understanding of coffee-making. energy efficient, helping
This approach enables the company businesses reduce energy
to deliver products that offer a consumption without
quality, consistent coffee compromising on quality. Available
experience. in various colour options, they
Bestir BM80 superautomatic NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. 2024 | ISSUE 39