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BSA New Member
Bestir Joining the
The inception of Bestir Limited
Association “The company will continue to
innovate, regularly updating
As a new business in the coffee its current product range with
market with many years of new features to meet changing
experience with other businesses,
Something’s Brewing asked David consumer preferences. Bestir
Locker, MD what made them join the Limited’s progress reflects its
BSA? dedication to delivering
David responded, “Given the BSA’s exceptional coffee
continued presence and notable experiences, supported by
work within the UK coffee industry, flexible service options and a
Bestir Limited felt it beneficial to focus on customer
become a member of the
association.” satisfaction. As the company
grows, it aims to continue
David continued, “As a new coffee developing its product range
machine brand, we believed this
would help us better connect with to include multiple grinders,
both suppliers and customers - soluble products, and higher
broadening our network of contacts.” capacity models”
David added, “The regular BSA events - David Locker, MD
and bulletins are a great way to keep Bestir Limitd
up to date with industry activity,
insights, and consumer trends, all of Bestir Limited
which are valuable in assisting us to Unit 2 Insignia Park
drive the continued growth of our Luton Road, Dunstable LU5 4LW
business.” www.
Hands on engineering training at Bestir Ltd NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. 2024 | ISSUE 39