Page 17 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_Nov/Dec'24
P. 17

BSA New Member

               The inception of Bestir Limited
                       complement different interior
                       aesthetics, adding a stylish touch
                       to any space.
                                                                            How Bestir
                        Bestir’s machines also offer

                       modern features like built-in                        Differentiates
                       payment systems, which are ideal                     from Competitors
                       for self-serve environments such
                       as hotels and shared offices. The                     Bestir Limited’s commitment to
                       inclusion of IoT remote control                      service flexibility, rapid lead times,
                       functionality allows operators to                    and value set it apart from other
                       manage the machines remotely,                        brands. Unlike many providers
                       monitor usage, and perform                           that impose rigid contracts, Bestir
                       diagnostics in real time, enhancing                  Limited offers flexible service
                       convenience and operational                          plans tailored to customers’
                       efficiency.                                          needs, enabling businesses to
                                                                            adjust their coffee solutions based

                        One standout feature is the                         on demand.
                       "MyCoffee" function on the
                       Melange model, which lets users                       Short lead times are another key
                       save their personalised coffee                       differentiator. While competitors
                       preferences, ensuring a                              may take weeks to deliver, Bestir's
                       consistently perfect cup every                       streamlined logistics ensure
                       time. This customisation capability                  prompt delivery, allowing
                       is particularly useful for                           customers to enjoy quality coffee
                       businesses seeking to offer a                        without delays. The company also
                       premium, personalised coffee                         emphasises value, offering cost-
                       experience.                                          effective pricing without sacrificing
                                                                            quality or features, which positions
                                                                            Bestir as a leader in the industry.

                                                                            Progress to Date

                                                                             Since its inception, Bestir Limited
                                                                            has established itself as a trusted
                                                                            brand in the coffee industry,
                                                                            rapidly expanding its customer
                                                                            base across various sectors,
                                                                            including hospitality, corporate
                                                                            offices, and retail. Customer           NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. 2024 | ISSUE 39

                    "MyCoffee" function on                                  feedback has been positive,
                                                                            highlighting the machines' quality,
                    the Melange model                                       ease of use, and the high level of

                                                                            service provided.

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