Page 56 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_Nov/Dec'24
P. 56

Equipment Focus

                     Kinu Grinders is one of the most
               Professional Level Results at Home
                    important players in the hand grinder
                    market. Their story begins in 1991,
                    when they established their factory,
                    shortly after which they began
                    manufacturing spice and coffee
                    grinders for some of the most                         Among the features that make it like
                    prominent names in the sector.                       no other is the alignment based on
                                                                         the Morse cone principle. What does
                     The Kinu brand was officially launched              that mean? Simply put, the way the
                    in 2016 and is today the ideal pick for              burrs are installed in the body keeps
                    any home brewer looking to upgrade                   them perfectly centered all the time,
                    their coffee setup with a grinder that               with no wobble whatsoever. This way,
                    meets professional standards. In this                your particle distribution will be
                    article, we’ll cover some of their most              consistent every single time you grind
                    popular models and some special ones,                on the same setting, and you can
                    each of which has their own story.                   easily reproduce your recipes knowing

                    M47 Classic – the                                    that no variation will come from the
                                                                         grind result – you just have to keep
                    first Kinu grinder                                   the other variables (coffee beans,

                     The M47 Classic was initially just the              humidity, etc.) the same.
                    M47, where 47 stands for the size of the             M47 Rebel – Kinu’s
                    conical burrs – 47 mm. Since then, M47

                    has become a line of products, and the               most recent launch
                    original model was renamed the Classic.               This model was officially introduced
                    It is the most premium model in the                  to the market at the 2024 World of
                    brand’s standard range, with a sturdy                Coffee show in Copenhagen. The
                    all-metal design and an ABS thumb                    grinder features the Classic’s all-metal
                    stopper to enhance grip while grinding,              internal parts and alignment, and a
                    a stainless-steel catch cup attached to              groove pattern design on the body
                    the body with 11 magnets, and a                      “stolen” from the M47 Titan, the
                    stepless adjustment system.                          brand’s limited-edition titanium
                                                                         grinder (hence the name Rebel). The
                                                                         grooves are pleasant to the touch,
                                                                         with a nice grip too.                      NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. 2024 | ISSUE 39

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