Page 58 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_Nov/Dec'24
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Equipment Focus
it through and, to make the grinding
Professional Level Results at Home
experience smooth, there is a 2.5:1
gear reduction, meaning two and a
half turns of the handle result in a full
rotation of the burrs. Additionally,
there is a vacuum pump on the
grinder’s base which firmly suctions How to pick the
the grinder onto any smooth surface, right Kinu for you
keeping it from shaking around while
you grind. The models in the M47 line
Other products seem similar but different, don’t
they? What is important to know
The brand’s M47 line also includes when choosing your grinder is
models such as the M47 Simplicity that the burr set and stepless
(like a Rebel without the grooves) and adjustment system are identical
the M47 Titan. The latter is the world’s on all of the models. The overall
first-ever titanium coffee grinder. Its design is also the same, with the
production is limited to 1991 units – Morse cone alignment in most
the same number as the year the models. Therefore, they all
factory was established. The titanium share outstanding performance
body and alignment bolts reduce and precision, but the materials
weight while keeping it all-metal. used are different.
A model to look out for shortly is the
M47 Traveler – the lightest, most
travel-friendly Kinu grinder. This one
has also been unavailable in the last
few years due to the fire but is soon to Kinu M47 Rebel
be relaunched with a few design
If you’re after a super-premium
Finally, Kinu’s most popular accessory look and feel paired with a solid
is their Pour-Over Burr. In just about a all-metal construction, you’ll be
minute, you can disassemble the more interested in the M47
grinder, replace the standard inner Classic or M47 Titan. In case it is
burr with this one, and put it all back the performance that matters
together. Though the standard burr is most, the other M47 models NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. 2024 | ISSUE 39
suitable to grind for any preparation should catch your eye. It’s like
method, the pour-over one has a getting a car with an amazing
different geometry that reduces the engine and just choosing
fines in the grind result, which is whether you want the leather
sometimes preferable on coarser seats or the fabric ones.