Page 57 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_Nov/Dec'24
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Equipment Focus
Kinu reduced the weight and price of
Professional Level Results at Home
this model by replacing the stainless-
steel funnel with an ABS one, while the
catch cup preserves the 11-magnet
design but is made of aluminum
instead of stainless steel.
magnets. The burrs and adjustment
M47 Phoenix – yes, system are still the same, meaning
just like the bird you can achieve the same results as
on the top-of-the-range M47 Classic.
Kinu had a devastating factory fire It’s ideal for home brewers aiming
back in December 2018 that destroyed for professional results with a lower
a significant part of the building and investment.
equipment, together with a huge
quantity of grinders freshly packed to M68 – Kinu’s
fulfill pre-Christmas orders. It also put tabletop grinder
a hold on the production of several The M68 is one of the brand’s oldest
models. Rising from the ashes that the models, whose production was
fire left behind, along came the M47 affected by the fire but has recently
Phoenix – a model Kinu could make been relaunched. Its unusual design
with the machines left intact. – a big metal ball might be the first
thing to come to mind – calls for very
special manufacturing procedures
due to which availability is quite
This grinder appeals to a wider
segment, with a lower price point and
no compromise on grind quality. The NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. 2024 | ISSUE 39
parts that hold the bearings are no The M68 features 68 mm conical
longer metal as in the other M47 burrs that make it incredibly fast –
models, but a solid ABS plastic that 18 g on an espresso setting would
does the job just as well, while the take about 20 seconds to grind. But
aluminum catch cup stays attached to it must be difficult to grind with such
the body via an O-ring instead of large burrs, right? Kinu has thought