Page 6 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_Nov/Dec'24
P. 6

                        Miko Scotland                           Social media
                        networking event                        engagement

                                                                 We have recently engaged the services of
                                                                Charlotte Wilson of Wilsonmixmedia to
                                                                further report on and publicise the BSA, our
                                                                members, and events. As a member expect to
                                                                be contacted for either opinions, statements
                                                                or to make a short video clip.

                                                                Engaging with

                        Beyond the Bean                         Something’s Brewing
                        networking event
                                                                 Please continue to send in anything at all of
                                                                interest, new people, new premises, new
                                                                products, and we will work with you to
                                                                publicise these within the eMagazine.

                                                                Looking forward to 2025

                                                                 We are in good shape financially and enter
                                                                the year with a modest reserve which puts the
                                                                BSA in a good position for 2025. Also, I look
                       Bestir networking                        forward to seeing you next year at an event or
                       event & BSA AGM                          reading about you in the magazine or

                                                                interacting with you on one of the media

                                                                 There is much more going on for our
                                                                members behind the scenes which is part of
                                                                why we are all “in good company” with the

                                                                 I wish you all a safe and Happy Christmas and
                                                                a brilliant 2025.
                         Vendex North Leeds                      To contact me you can either email at https://
                                                       or message me at 07711
                                                                087662. You can also join our vibrant
                                                                Beverage Support Hub WhatsApp group.
                                                                Best wishes,                                        NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. 2024 | ISSUE 39
                                                                Steve Slark


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