Page 22 - SBrewing(March2021)
P. 22

Page  22                                              

                                                                                        MARCH. 2021 | VOL. 15

       With on demand, for an extra few tiny                   Grind by weight is
       seconds, each and every coffee is made with an amazing

       enhanced ingredients that carry the                     breakthrough in
       freshness, flavour and potential for coffee             grinding
       excellence.                                             technology. Check

                                                               however the
       2.Grind by time, or weight?                             accuracy of load
       Often you may wonder why despite your                   cells as some

       attention to the coffee grind settings that             grinders may be
       one espresso can present and taste slightly             accurate to 0.5g,
       different from another, despite following the others down to

       same polished barista routine. How can this             0.1g
       happen? Well, as the environmental
       conditions in the coffee shop change                    3.Temperature control:

       throughout the day (think of a cold morning             We know that given the significant oily
       in the shop and then warmer conditions                  component of coffee, that it is very
       once heating is on and equipment like                   sensitive to temperature variation. Heat,

       ovens are throwing out more heat and                    which can be generated by the
       moisture), skilled baristas may change the              blades/burrs in a coffee grinder, can affect
       grind slightly to adapt to the conditions.              the aromatic bouquet of the coffee and

       However, every time you adjust the coffee               limit its flavour potential.  The wisest thing
       grain (grind) size, you must also by default            to do is to choose a coffee grinder that
       change the grinding time. Now if you see                manages as much as possible to keep the

       baristas use scales when measuring doses,               heat under control. Look for a ventilation
       then they are observing this process                    system that effectively does not allow any
       correctly and consistency is likely. In many            heat to interfere with the delicate coffee

       situations however, this does not happen,               and maintains the critical optimal
       and whilst grind changes, so do doses and               temperature range through all peaks and
       the quality of output goes downwards                    troughs of trade throughout the day.

       resulting in poor standards. As ‘time’ led              4. Cleaning:
       grinders rely on loose guestimates to deliver           We know that if the required cleaning of a

       the correct amount of coffee, their                     coffee grinder, to remove old oils that
       performance is limited. If you want precision           oxidize and become rancid in flavour, is
       and perfection, you must work with grind by             difficult, then it is the first thing staff will
       weight where a true built-in load cell,                 fail to do regularly. When cleaning fails to

       measures and delivers with accuracy each                occur, these rancid oils will end up in the
       and every coffee you prepare. To ensure                 next dose and the one after that, slowly

       perfect performance your recipe must be                 subtly destroying coffee quality and
       consistent and spot on.                                 customer experience.
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