Page 37 - DRAFT_Something's_Brewing_Nov/Dec'23
P. 37
The ban and restrictions on some single-use plastics (SUPs) came into force in
England on 01 October and about 30 days later in Wales. England restricted the
use of plastic plates, bowls, and trays, and imposed an outright ban on plastic
cutlery – and foamed EPS and XPS beverage cups and food containers. All were
banned in Wales, with the exception of plastic bowls and trays.
From the outset, legislation has arrangements for it to be
been difficult to understand, a cleaned; and then providing
situation not helped by some their customers with the same
suppliers misleading their items again. We are seeing
customers. As an example, in reuse systems for coffee cups,
England retailers may continue to and occasionally food boxes,
use single-use plastic plates, but have yet to find plastic
bowls and trays – provided they cutlery being used in this way.
are used to package food and sold
to the public containing food. The
unfilled items may not be sold
directly to the public.
Unfortunately, there are some
providers – typically those selling
these types of items constructed
from alternative materials – who Making cutlery heavier for no benefit
omit to mention the exception other than to trick customers is both
and claim that single-use plastic environmentally and morally wrong
plates, bowls and trays are
banned altogether.
Some suppliers have also been Martin Kersh, FPA Executive Director
‘creative' in other ways, or have
even ignored the bans altogether.
Reusables are exempted, so we
have some producers re-labelling
cutlery as 'reusable' and even Online marketplaces continue
making it heavier, despite to sell banned items. A search
knowing it will be used for of polystyrene cups on eBay
takeaways with no reusable results in many listings of NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. 2023 | ISSUE 33
structure in place. Government banned items, while other
needs to make it clearer that an online marketplaces continue
item can only be a reusable when to sell plates, bowls and trays
it is part of a reuse system. Such a directly to the public, when
system involves the retailer taking legally they can only be sold to
back the plastic cutlery; making businesses.