Page 43 - DRAFT_Something's_Brewing_Nov/Dec'23
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According to the organizers of the biennial event, more than 180,000 guests
descended on the show, which covers numerous hospitality and foodservice
Not least among them, coffee and HOST 2023 embraced a profound
tea occupied four sprawling expo transformation, steering away
halls, wherein equipment makers from a product-centric approach
showed off their latest and instead highlighting services
innovations. A prevailing sense and solutions.
among show-goers was that this
year’s event was even bigger than Sustainability emerged as a
the last, reflecting the full force of central theme, reflecting a
R&D and marketing initiatives that growing environmental
may have previously been in consciousness within the coffee
holding patterns following the sector. The traditional dedication
pandemic. to coffee products was
accompanied by a renewed
HOST Milano 2023 marked a commitment to environmental
significant return compared to responsibility, a shift that not only
previous editions, as it witnessed signals a response to evolving
the revival of pre-pandemic consumer preferences but also a
participation numbers. The event's proactive effort to address
success was in great part due to pressing environmental concerns.
the presence of major operators in
the coffee industry, including Although Something’s Brewing
international participants, was unable to attend, we have
signalling a welcome resurgence of received information from several
the global coffee community. What BSA members who exhibited
truly set this edition apart was also including BWT UK, Cimbali and,
the shift in its focus. Kimbo.
Kimbo’s stand was a highlight at HOST NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. 2023 | ISSUE 33