Page 2 - SBrewing(June2021)
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                                                                                          JUNE. 2021 | VOL. 18

                         Chairman's Comment

           As always welcome to the latest edition of Something’s Brewing from the BSA.

           This issue is focused on sustainability and this is one topic where we can all play

           our part.

           I am sure there are many great initiatives going on that deserve wider credit and

           we at the BSA and would love to hear about it, please do contact our Editor Amy
           Cutter at:

           We are all hoping that June 21st comes without further hitch and that by months
           end we as a trade are almost back to normal. However, it is still absolutely vital
           that we all play our part and behave with sensible caution for the time being.

           This year is the 25th Anniversary of the BSA and we are pleased to have a 25

           year celebratory logo. We will be presenting some personalities and stories and
           some photos from past events and members.

           Please do send us any photos your may have kept or stories from the last 25

           years. Here’s to the next 25!

           We are still very keen to receive your entires for the BSA awards at the Caffe
           Culture show for extremely low cost and a simple online entry process please
           see details on the web site.

           We are particularly seeking entrants from the retail sector and mobile beverage

           Keep safe and well

            Steve Slark

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