Page 6 - SBrewing(June2021)
P. 6

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                                                                                          JUNE. 2021 | VOL. 18

       Working towards a                                         Recycling and Reducing waste

       better future                                             We have reduced the level of the
                                                                 packaging we use through a process of
                                                                 constant monitoring and improvement, in
       Corporate social responsibility, sustainability,          doing so we have been able to get our

       and caring about the planet and the people                levels of packaging to an all-time low. The
       that live on it is not a new agenda but one that          packaging we do use whether -
       has taken longer to filter into our everyday life         cardboard, paper and plastic - is now
       than we might have hoped.                                 100% fully recyclable. Overall, in 2020,
                                                                 97% of the waste we produced was either

       Customers are now choosing with their feet                reused or recycled.
       where they shop on the high street and their
       fingers when they spend online.                           Sustainable Offices
                                                                 We are proud to have switched to a
       Change need not be headline making news, it               paperless environment wherever we can
       can be the simple things, like you reusing a              and are encouraging our customers and
       carrier bag or recognising the food miles in              suppliers to do the same! Plus all BWT

       your basket and choosing to shop differently.             offices have now switched to LED lighting,
       In business we have found the same holds                  have separate waste recycling bins, and
       true. Whilst at BWT we are proud to have our              have introduced a new initiative where by
       own headline grabbing initiatives we are                  our old laptops can also be repurposed
       equally proud to be working with our                      or recycled.
       customers, staff and suppliers in the UK to

       make a difference closer to home. Differences             BWT's Bottle Free Zone
       that can help create a far reaching ripple of             We have said no to single-use plastic
       change beyond our borders.                                bottles! We've replaced these
                                                                 environmentally costly bottles with sports
       Here are 5 simple things we have done to                  bottles enabling all our staff to make full
       help make a difference:                                   use of the watercoolers installed in each
                                                                 office. Providing great tasting drinking

       Recycling Cartridges                                      water, they also promote healthy
       Working with our customers across the                     hydration throughout the day. We are
       hospitality industry and partnering with                  now also helping to make this possible for
       European Watercare we have developed a                    our customers too, find out more here:
       practical and cost effective recycling scheme             Create your own bottle free zone.
       for our advanced water solution cartridges,

       find out more here. The benefits of this simple
       initiative stretches beyond providing
       customers with a practical solution, it also
       reduces the amount of plastic going to landfill
       and the need for virgin plastics in the future.
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