Page 10 - SBrewing(June2021)
P. 10

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                                                                                          JUNE. 2021 | VOL. 18

                 WaterCare Green Earth Certificates

       WaterCare have always been driven by a desire             WaterCare also provides the ‘Green Earth
       to provide solutions that benefit the                     Award’ to those customers who return
       environment. They have been recycling their               over a set number of filters – this consists
       water filters for the last 25 years.                      of measuring the number of filters
                                                                 returned, the total amount of plastic
       With that said, building on their core philosophy         saved, the percentage of plastic/resin
       of providing the most eco-friendly water                  used in new filters and also the equivalent

       treatment products available on the market                of CO2 and plastic cups saved.
       today, it was a natural decision to progress and
       develop a new area of their business dedicated
       to the recycling and re-purposing of ALL types of
       plastic and aluminium commercial water filters at
       their Headquarters in Harlow, Essex.

       In 2016, WaterCare Recycling was launched. This
       meant that WaterCare were able to not only
       recycle their own CTU filters but other major
       water filter brands such as Brita, BWT, Claris and        This offers WaterCare and clients the
       3M where normally, these exhausted water filters          opportunity to deliver a strong and
       are either sent to landfill or overseas.  The             transparent message, both internally and
       recycling process begins by disassembling and             to customers, that they are passionately

       sorting filters into plastic and aluminium, then          committed to reducing plastic waste
       removing, de-humidifying and regenerating the             throughout the industry.
       resin. The end result produces recycled plastic
       pellets to be used in the manufacture of internal         In April 2020, the iX Water filter range was
       parts for new water filters.                              relaunched. This is the first truly eco-
                                                                 friendly, 100% recyclable cartridge filter
                                                                 on the market, offering Insert Refill
                                                                 Technology to provide a genuinely
                                                                 sustainable and cost-effective alternative
                                                                 to mainstream cartridge water filters.

                                                                 Our Media Insert Technology allows us to
                                                                 recycle all the plastics returned to us. In
                                                                 addition, we regenerate the resin media
       The added value and service this operation                inside our refills and re-use it in our

       provides means is that not only can companies             replacements. This allows us to keep our
       purchase water filters, made right here in the UK,        clients costs to a minimum whilst
       by WaterCare, but they can also utilise this facility     providing an ethical service, sensitive to
       and help reduce plastic waste from filters to zero!       our planet’s delicate eco-system.
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