Page 12 - SBrewing(June2021)
P. 12
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JUNE. 2021 | VOL. 18
Transparent water quality: the power of data
Water quality is a global key issue brought to the Droople Water
forefront of the 2030 UN Agenda and the Intelligence Platform:
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Clear insights in every drop
focus on water quality recognizes its link to the Droople Water Intelligence
global environmental and socio-economic issues Platform is a full-stack cloud
that lead to an increasing water pollution. solution providing real-time
Emerging trends stress the need to protect the monitoring and analytics of
equipment from sediment and scale, reduce the water filtration systems,
use of single-use plastic bottled water, and boost such as Reverse Osmosis
further development and adoption of water systems, purifiers, filters,
treatment solutions. softeners, and much more.
Leveraging data with IoT solutions Droople smart devices collect the fine-grained
In the beverage industry, customer experience is data and transfer them to a single platform,
the key factor for success: water makes up more where customer-specific data are analyzed by
than 90% of a cup of coffee. It has a significant machine-learning algorithms. Customizable
impact on both, the coffee flavor and the dashboards deliver immediate actionable
performance of the machine. How can filtration insights, such as precise prediction of salt
systems operators maintain high equipment refills and filter swaps. Droople smart data
performance no matter the usage specifics? Is it platform also measures water consumption,
possible to guarantee timely replacement of helping to save water, and bringing
filters or other consumables such as UV lamps, transparency to both water quality and
to avoid excess repair and maintenance costs, quantity data. This in turn guarantees
lost revenues, and most importantly, to consistent water taste, drastically reduces
consistently ensure great taste of water? operating costs, and maximizes equipment
The answer to these questions is data. Here is
where smart IoT systems come into the play. About Droople
They allow to easily retrofit filtration systems with Droople is a Swiss cleantech company,
smart sensors to precisely measure flow, developing innovative IoT solutions for
pressure, TDS, temperature and much more. By intelligent water assets management. This is
analyzing data such as individual usage patterns, done through digitizing 36+ billion water
water quality, and many other context-specific assets all around the world, and connecting
factors, IoT-based solutions bring the capability water treatment systems, sanitary ware,
to monitor exactly the assets performance, appliances, and many more. Droople AI-
enable their on-time maintenance and predict enabled systems allow customers worldwide
the replacement of the consumables. to accurately measure and analyze their water
assets to monitor them, predict their
maintenance and unlock water and energy
savings with the Swiss made precision of a
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