Page 5 - SBrewing(June2021)
P. 5

Page 5                                               

                                                                                          JUNE. 2021 | VOL. 18

                 ÜBERMILK Milk Systems

       With the simple touch of a button, this                   This amazing machine features a ‘built-

       innovative machine will froth milk to the ideal           in‘ individual controlling system; a
       temperature, where it can exhibit full                    cleaning system with journal; and
       sweetness and velvety smooth microfoam.                   delivers chilled milk on tap.
       This feature allows barista‘s to concentrate on
       perfecting espresso shots and latte art; whilst           Übermilk can increase efficiency and

       also freeing them up to engaging with their               workflow, decrease stress, and
       customers.                                                ultimately keep loyal customers happy
                                                                 and not standing in queues for
                              Übermilk is both reliable          extended periods. With its sleek design,
                              and hygienic, eliminating          Übermilk will fit right into any barista‘s
                              milk wastage thanks to             work station
                              unique automatic pre-sets

                              which deliver quality                To find out more about ÜBERMILK milk
                              foamed milk, time after              systems visit:
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