Page 158 - MY STORY
P. 158
There was a small town situated in the valley between
mountains. In his excitement, Ollie met with the town
elders and mayor to let them know what he had in mind,
and dutifully pointed that this little town would ultimately
become known as “Rocket City” and they would become
world famous. He got those folk pretty excited.
Unfortunately, this unique launch method did not work
out too well when the numbers got crunched by the
strength folk. They found that at the high velocities
achieved by the time the launch vehicle made the turn at
the far end of the valley, that the g-forces generated in the
upward turn would move the mountain sideways!
No Rocket City and Ollie went on to think of other great
concepts outside the domain of existing reality. This little
treatise is not to demean Ollie or people like Ollie – we
need to always have dreamers thinking way outside the
box we live in. Progress depends on it. Sometimes it’s
just fun to tell a story.
NASA was anxious to continue its leading role in
exploring manned space flight and ultimately established
the Skylab program (also known as Orbital Workshop).
The goal was to put three astronauts into long duration,