Page 11 - GCU Quarterly
P. 11
Government College
University Lahore
Page 10
18th Convocation
2,044 students awarded degrees, medals
Honorary PhD degree conferred upon British MP Afzal Khan
s many as 2,044 students were had appointed vice chancellors in of political, diplomatic, economic and
awarded degrees at the 18th different universities on merit so it was cultural relations between the United
Ac o n v o c a t i o n o f t h e expected from the VC to uphold the merit Kingdom and Pakistan.
Government College University in their respective institutions. Earlier, the governor and the vice
Lahore. Out of the total 2,044 VC Prof. Zaidi said diversity, curiosity and chancellor presented Prof G D Sondhi
students, 68 received PhD, 644 creativity were essential to human growth Medal for overall excellent performance
MS/M.Phil, 344 MA/MSc degrees, but unfortunately these elements were to Rabia Javeed, Mohammad Idrees
while 988 others were awarded being suppressed by the culture of Medal for the best debater to Muhammad
BA/BSc (Hons) degrees on the first education that was prevalent in our Abdullah Mohsin, Daud Ilyas Medal for
day of the two-day event. country. He regretted that a culture of outstanding intermediate student to
Punjab Governor Chaudhry Sarwar standardisation in the education system Muhammad Abdullah Hamid, Dr Saida
was the chief guest at the first session didn't encourage diversity, rather it laid a Karamat Medal for the best woman
of the convocation held at the Bokhari great stress on conformity. graduate to Shehr Bano, Waleed Iqbal
Auditorium where he along with Vice He said the students could learn and Medal for the best English parliamentary
Chancellor Prof. Dr. Asghar Zaidi excel through a broad-based curriculum speaker to Harris Ali Virk, Muhammad
awarded the degrees and medals to that celebrated their various talents. Shahbaz Sharif Medal for the best Urdu
PhD scholars and position holders. Registrar Dr. Shuakat Ali presented a speaker to Amna Ghafoor and Madeeha
The governor, while addressing the dissertation to the chancellor for Gohar Medal for the best female actor to
convocation ceremony, announced to awarding honorary PhD degree to Afzal Seemab Shafiq while Thespian Medal for
set up Chancellor's Fund for providing Khan, an Honorable Member of British excellent performance in dramatics was
scholarships to the deserving Parliament, in the recognition of his conferred upon Muhammad Affaq Imran
students. He said as the government remarkable contribution for the promotion and Hafiz Muhammad Najamul Saqib.