Page 8 - GCU Quarterly
P. 8


          Government College
            University Lahore

             GCU research wins first prize at dengue conference

               oology  Department's  research   the conference held under the auspices   her team on winning the award  He said
               on “transfection  of   locally   of  provincial  Primary  and  Secondary   dengue was becoming an epidemic in
          Zisolated  Wolbachia  in  Aedes   Healthcare Department.           Pakistan  with  over  400  deaths  since
          aegypti” has won the first prize and cash   Giving  details  of  the  research,  Prof.   2006.  In  2019,  more  than  47,000
          award  of   Rs.  100,000/-  at  the   Jahan  said  that  this  transfection  was   positive cases including 75 deaths from
          international  conference  on  "Dengue   aimed at blocking the transmission of   Punjab,  KPK  and  other  provinces
          Prevention and Control" organized by   dengue  virus  to  humans  through  its   indicated  an  alarming  situation  with
          the Punjab government here at a local   bite. She said that Wolbachia made the   tremendous risk of future epidemics in
          hotel. Punjab Health Minister Dr. Yasmin   mosquito  incapable  of  carrying  and   Pakistan.
          Rashid handed over the cash award to   transmitting dengue virus.  Prof. Zaidi said that the university would
          principal  researcher  Prof.  Dr.  Nusrat   Vice  Chancellor  Prof.  Asghar  Zaidi   provide  every  possible  support  to
          Jahan at the concluding ceremony of   congratulated Prof. Nusrat Jahan and   Zoology Department for their research.

                          GCU to have Har Gobind Khorana Chair

             he Government College University                                                                t
             (GCU) will establish a chair in the
        Tname  of  its  alumni  Har  Gobind
        Khorana, who won the 1968 Nobel Prize
    PAGE 7  for medicine.
        Vice  Chancellor  Prof  Dr  Asghar  Zaidi
        announced this at ceremony to celebrate
        the 98th birth anniversary of one of its
        most eminent alumni, Prof Khorana.
        Prof Khorana, an American-Indian, won
        the Nobel Prize in 1968 for unraveling the
        nucleotide  sequence  of   RNA  and
        deciphering the genetic code. He died in
        Vice Chancellor Prof. Zaidi said the GCU   in Multan in 1922 became the world's top   he genetic code of the cell and control
        would soon establish a Research Chair   biochemist and shared the 1968 Nobel   the cell's synthesis of proteins.”
        at its Chemistry Department in the name   Prize  for  Medicine  with  Marshall  W   Later, Dr. Asghar Zaidi along with other
        Prof   Khorana.  Talking  about  the   Nirenberg  and  Robert  W  Holley  for   academic and administrative heads cut
        fascinating  story  of  Prof  Khorana,  he   research  that  showed  the  order  of   the  Prof  Khorana's  birth  anniversary
        said: “A child born in small Raipur village   nucleotides in nucleic acids, which carry   cake.

                                                                            Ravian officer

                                                                     embraces martyrdom

                                                                              in air crash
                                                                     baadur Rehman, a flying officer and former
                                                                     student  of   GC  University  Lahore,  has
                                                                   Iembraced #martyrdom when an aircraft of
                                                                   the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) was crashed on a
                                                                   training  mission  near  Mianwali.  The  funeral
                                                                   prayers of Ibaadur Rehman were offered near
                                                                   his residence in Wapda Town, Lahore. Besides
                                                                   PAF  officials,  GCU  Vice  Chancellor  Prof.  Dr
                                                                   Asghar  Zaidi,  senior  faculty  members  and  a
                                                                   large number of students attended the funeral.
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