Page 16 - GCU Quarterly
P. 16


          Government College
            University Lahore

                    GCU opens admissions to 11 language courses

               irst  time  in  its  history,  the   took a gap year and spent a whole year   skills,” Prof. Zaidi said.
               G o v e r n m e n t   C o l l e g e   engaging  in  a  mixture  of  language   Prof.  Zaidi  said  that  classes  were
          FUniversity Lahore has offered   lessons  and  cultural  courses  so  as  to   scheduled in the evening, so that regular
          admissions  to  students  in  eleven   improve their life skills.  university  students  and  professionals
          foreign  and  national  language   “So, we have decided to open admissions   from different fields could also join.
          courses  which  include  Hindi,   in  the  Language  Communication  Skills   According  to  the  notification,  the  GCU
          French,  Russian,  Turkish  and   Courses which were specially designed   Lahore  has  opened  admission  to  the
          German.                        to  focus  on  refining  the  students'   Arabic,  English,  French,  German,  Hindi,
          Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Zaidi said   communicative ability with emphasis on   Persian,  Punjabi,  Turkish,  Russian  and
          that in European countries students   listening,  speaking,  reading  and  writing   the Urdu languages.
    PAGE 15  Mader-e-Millat Fatima Jinnah                      GCU Student Represent
             Girls' Hostel named after

                                                                    Pakistan in China
               he  Girls'  Hostel  of                            r.  Haris  Ali  Virk,  Former  President  GCU  Debating
               Government  College                               Society  and  an  Honours  Final  Year  student  at  the
          TUniversity  Lahore  has                        MDepartment of English, was selected by the Federal
          been  named  after  Mader-e-                    government  to  represent  Pakistan  in  China. The  delegation,
          Millat  Fatima  Jinnah.  A                      hosted by All China Youth Federation, comprised of 100 young
          notification in this regard has                 leaders from all across Pakistan who've been doing amazing
          been issued with the approval                   work  in  their  respective  fields.  It  included  Sana  Mir,  former
          Vice  Chancellor  Prof.  Dr                     captain of Pakistan's Women Cricket Team, Samina Baig, the
          Asghar Zaidi. A boys' hostel                    brave  young  woman  from  Hunza  who  is  the  first  and  only
          of GCU Lahore was already                       Pakistani woman to climb Everest and the seven summits, Zoe
                                                          Viccaji,  singer  and  musician. The  delegation  had  four  major
          named  after  Quaid-e-Azam  Muhammad  Ali  Jinnah.  Old   agendas  including  education,  poverty  alleviation,  small  and
          Ravians and the female students highly appreciated the   medium  enterprises,  and  special  economic  zones.  The
          decision.                                       meetings, discussions, and visits focused on urban planning,
          Vice Chancellor Prof. Zaidi said that Fatima Jinnah was a   public  transport,  quality  of  education,  resource  and  waste
          beacon  of  light  for  the  Muslim  women;  she  was  an   management, economic reforms, conservation of environment
          inspiration for them to stand and work shoulder-to-shoulder  through developing techniques of renewable energy, and the
          with men.                                       Belt and Road Initiative.

                                                  Farewell to Dr. G Murtaza
                                          farewell ceremony was held here at   but  his  affiliation  with  GCU  and  with  his
                                         the  GCU  Lahore  to  pay  glowing   research  students  would  continue,”  the  VC
                                   Atribute to the services of 81-year-old   said.
                                   eminent  plasma  physicist  Prof.  Dr.  G.   Prof.  Zaidi  paid  glowing  tribute  to  19  year
                                   Murtaza  for  the  Government  College   services of Prof. Murtaza for GCU, saying that
                                   University Lahore.                   “the entire faculty and your students wish to
                                   Prof.  Zaidi  chaired  the  farewell  and   thank  you  for  the  untiring  zeal  you  have
                                   graciously offered Dr. Murtaza the position   demonstrated  towards  research  and
                                   of Distinguished Professor of Physics.   education, and also helped the university in
                                   “Dr. Murtaza is an inspiration for all of us, his   various administrative matters through your
                                   tenure as Prof. Salam Chair is concluding   wide experience.”
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