Page 19 - GCU Quarterly
P. 19

Ceremony in the honor of Prof. Dr. Asghar Zaidi at Punjab University

                GCU VC highlights problems in education system
              Says it confronts three very basic principles on which human life

                          flourishes i.e. diversity, curiosity and creativity

               here  are  three  very  basic   that instead of focusing only on improving   in the history and traditions of GCU, yet it   Page 18
               principles on which human life   system,  the  government  and  policy-  has a little time to rest on these laurels.
          Tflourishes  i.e.  diversity,   makers needs to focus more on teachers   The  strategic  need  is  to  develop  the
          curiosity  and  creativity,  but  very   to make them creative.   potential  of  our  faculty  and  staff  to
          unfortunately they are contradicted   “There  is  no  system,  r  any  school  or  a   maximize our contributions to the rest of
          by  a  culture  of  education  that  is   university in the world that is better than its   society,” he added.
          currently prevalent in our country.   teachers,” he said.         He said that besides improving quality of
          It was said by Prof. Dr. Asghar Zaidi,   The Vice Chancellor, who did his PhD from   teaching,  they  were  working  towards
          an international social policy expert   Oxford  University,  UK,  stressed  that   strengthening its research and innovation
          and  Vice  Chancellor  of   GC   teachers were not there just to pass on   base  and  linkages  to  the  policy-making
          University  Lahore,  at  a  ceremony   received information; great teachers didn't   communities.
          held  in  his  honor  at  University  the   do that, rather this sacred profession was   Prof. Zaidi said that he had proposed the
          Punjab. Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Niaz   all about mentorship.    Punjab government a mechanism in the
          Ahmad Akhtar hosted the ceremony   He  criticized  that  education  system  in   shape of Social Policy Advisory Council
          attended by eminent academicians,   Pakistan  didn't  focus  on  teaching  and   through  Education  (SPACE)  to  involve
          senior journalists and analysts.    learning instead it just prepared students   exper ts  from  universities,  non-
          Talking  about  the  problems  in   for a standardized testing mostly through   governmental  organizations  and
          Pakistan's  education  system,  Prof.   rote learning.            international institutions in policy-making
          Zaidi  said  that  all  human  beings   “This system of examination encourages   for  social  development,  public  finance
          were  naturally  different  from  each   our student and teachers to follow same   management and improved governance.
          other but standardization culture in   kind of routine every year instead of using   He said that his immediate administrative
          their  education  system  was  not   classrooms  as  platforms  to  excite  the   challenge was to modernize the process
          based on diversity but conformity.   power of imagination and curiosity in our   of  admissions  and  appointments  and
          He  said  that  students  could  learn   youth,” he said.         populating the newly-built campus at the
          and excel best with a broad-based   Prof.  Zaidi  demanded  that  at  least  in   Kala Shah Kaku, enhancing the quality of
          curriculum  that  celebrated  their   schools,  they  needed  to  have  a  human   living experiences of students and staff by
          various  talents,  not  just  through  a   system instead of a course system. He   building  a  new  hostel  for  girls  and
          small arrangement of course system   called  upon  policy-makers  to  study  the   improving  the  living  conditions  of  our
          and examinations.              education system of Finland where there   existing hostels.
          Prof. Zaidi said the “second principle   was no standardized testing in schools.   He  said  that  he  was  promoting  sports,
          that drives human life is curiosity; if a   Talking about GCU, Prof. Zaidi said it was a   cultural  and  co-curricular  activities
          teacher  can  just  light  the  spark  of   matter  for  great  pride  for  him  to  be   through  GCU  societies  and  clubs  for
          curiosity  in  a  student,  he  will  learn   appointed  as  VC  of   this  historical   effective engagement of students on their
          without any assistance.”  He believes   institution.  “There was a lot to be proud of   campuses.
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