Page 20 - GCU Quarterly
P. 20


          Government College
            University Lahore

                  How the poor are excluded from social mobility?

                panel discussion on “How the   innovation, conformity of colonial status   poverty alleviation.
               poor are excluded from social   quo  and  utter  dependence  on  donors   Tooba  Syed,  an  eminent  gender
          Amobility”  was  held  here  at   had  impeded  development  of   the   researcher, talked about protecting basic
          Government  College  University   country and encouraged suppression of   rights  of  women  and  of  the  poor  who
          Lahore  under  the  auspices  of  its   the people at large. He also highlighted   came  to  urban  centers  to  seek  work  or
          Economics Department.           lack of coordination among government   employment.
          Eminent  economists  and  rights   departments  and  unavailability  of   Prof.  Zaidi,  VC  GCU  Lahore,  Prof.  Zaidi
          activists  from  different  educational   authentic  data  for  policy  debate  and   deliberated  upon  the  current  policies  to
          institutions and research organizations   research analysis.     discover right models for inclusive growth
          participated  in  the  panel  discussion,                        in  Pakistan.  He  said  that  poverty  was
          moderated by Prof. Dr. Asghar Zaidi, the                         always  caused  by  exclusion  from
          Vice Chancellor GC University Lahore.                            opportunity. Give the poor a chance and
          In  his  keynote  address,  Prof.  Dr.                           they will lift themselves out of poverty.
          Nadeem ul Haque, the Vice Chancellor                             He  appreciated  the  efforts  of   the
          of  Pakistan  Institute  of  Development                         government that inspite of financial crunch
          Economics  (PIDE)  Islamabad,                                    and fiscal deficit, it was also pushing its
          emphasized  the  importance  of                                  EHSAAS progamme for the welfare of the
    PAGE 19  intellectual  debate  and  research                           poor. He pledged to hold debates on these
          headed  by  the  leading  educational
                                                                           crucial  topics  of  social  and  economic
          He  stressed  on  involving  academia,                           policies at GCU regularly to bridge the gap
                                                                           between academia and policy-makers.
          researchers  and  rights  activists  in   Prof.  Haque  believed  informal  sector   Both of the Vice Chancellors, in the end,
          policy making, saying that there should   gave boost to their economy, so it should   agreed to enhance cooperation between
          be  academic  and  intellectual   not  be  suppressed  through  heavy   the two institutions through exchange of
          background to all the political slogans.    taxation.  He  also  said  that  the   ideas, faculty and students.
          Prof.  Haque  gave  an  insight  into  the   government  couldn't  end  poverty   Besides  university's  faculty  deans  and
          economic system of Pakistan, saying   through  charity  programmes;  it   academic heads, lawyer Usama Khawar,
          that  centralization  of  power,  lack  of   immediately needed to devise polices to   development  practitioner  Mr.  Ammar
          regulations  and  enforcement,   enhance the productivity of the people   Rashid  and  Mr.  Zia  Banday  from  PIDE
          ineffective taxation system, absence of   to  increase  the  growth  rate  and  for   Islamabad participated in the discussion.

                             North Waziristan students visit GCU

                  delegation  of  students  and   Lahore on a study tour. The delegation   had  produced  countless  legendary
                teachers  from  Frontier  Corps   visited various academic departments   per sonalities,  inc luding  Allama
          APublic  School,  Miranshah,    of   GCU  and  also  met  with  Vice   Muhammad  Iqbal  and  Nobel  Prize
          Nor th  Waziristan  visited  the   Chancellor Prof. Dr. Asghar Zaidi.   winners  Dr  Abdus  Salam  and  Dr
          Government  College  University,   Prof Zaidi told the students that GCU   Hargobind Khorana.
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