Page 25 - GCU Quarterly
P. 25
Government College
University Lahore
Internationl Urdu Conference
“Popularity of literature declined in last 150 years”
rof Dr Khurshid Rizvi, a poet conference. It has more than 50 eminent appreciated every time.
and scholar of oriental writers and academicians from Turkey, GCU Vice Chancellor Prof Asghar Zaidi
Plangua ges, says social Iran and other universities of Pakistan. laid stress on importance of such
acceptance and popularity of Prof Rizvi said depression, drug conferences for debate on crucial topics,
literature has declined in the last one addiction and other negative trends had saying that a university was not a
and a half centuries and it is gradually increased in society since the decline in teaching centre only rather but it's also a
getting limited to only literary circles. the study of literature. He said literature place for research, innovation and
Giving the reasons, he thinks says of was a genuine expression of writer's creativity; where they didn't only transfer
the major reasons for this change is personality and if it's not genuine, it could the academic traditions to the youth but
that after industrial revolution, we be termed as propaganda. also created new traditions.
star ted evaluating everything, Poet and playwright Amjad Islam Amjad In her opening speech, GCU Urdu
including knowledge, on the basis of s h a r e d a s p e e c h o f C h i n e s e Department Chairperson Dr Saima Iram
its materialistic or monetary gains revolutionary leader Mao Zedong in welcomed the guest speakers and
instead of its spiritual benefits. which he said all literature was highlighted the role of Government Page 24
Prof Rizvi was making his keynote propaganda but all propaganda was not College and its alumni in promotion of
address at the inaugural session of literature. He also recited his poetry on quality Urdu literature in the sub-
the two-day 'international Urdu the request of the participants. continent. She said that not only the
conference on literature and social Ankara University Urdu Department promotion of Urdu language and
acceptance,' being organised by the Chairperson Dr Assman Belan said literature but also the creation of new
Government College University society needed popular literature knowledge was a tradition of the GCU.
(GCU), in collaboration with the because it promoted debate, critical GCU Dean Faculty of Languages Prof Dr
Ankara University, Turkey. thinking and reading culture. However, Sultan Shah and Urdu critic Prof Dr
Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Asghar Zaidi she added, it was not necessary that Khalid Sanjrani also spoke.
chaired the opening session of the popular was widely accepted or
Law to declare thalassemia test mandatory before
marriages coming soon: Hanif Khan Pitafi
thalassemia awareness seminar was held here at the
Government College University Lahore under the
Aauspices of its Blood Donor Society (BDS) and a non-
government organization (NGO), Kashif Iqbal Thalassemia Care
Centre (KITCRC).
Advisor to Chief Minister on Health advisor Hanif Khan Pitafi was
the chief guest at the seminar which was addressed by Vice
Chancellor Prof. Dr. Asghar Zaidi and KITCC representative Asif
Hameed Butt.
Speaking on the occasion, Health advisor Hanif Khan Pitafi said
that they were working on a law to declare thalassemia test
mandatory for couples before marriages to reduce chances of
this fatal disease. He asked students to act as volunteers in their
families and areas, and also use social media to raise awareness about this genetic disorder.
Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Asghar Zaidi said prevention case is always better than cure. He paid glowing tribute to NGOs working for
thalassemia prevention and care, saying that said thalassemia major child had a very difficult and painful life and in order to
survive, these children require regular monthly blood transfusions. A plea was made by the seminar participants to enact the law to
declare thalassemia test mandatory for couples before marriages.