Page 27 - GCU Quarterly
P. 27
Government College
University Lahore
GCU intermediate sports gala concludes
rize distribution ceremony at Engineering and General Science & should be widely promoted in
the university's Oval ground. Arts groups stood first in Table Tennis educational institutions right from the
PVice Chancellor Prof. Dr. and Volley Ball championships. schools to curb the inclination of youth
Asghar Zaidi chaired the ceremony Computer Science & Commerce Group towards negative and unhealthy
which also as addressed by won the tug-of-war and Basketball activities. He also wished the
Spokesperson Punjab Government competitions. intermediate students best of luck for Page 26
Dr. Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur. Speaking on the occasion, Vice their final examinations.
The Computer Science & Commerce Chancellor Prof. Dr. Asghar Zaidi said Dr. Zarqa Suharwardy said “hardships
Group won the general trophy of the sports and co-curricular activities were we faced in achieving something in life,
third annual sports on the basis of as important as academics for the teach us the strongest and most
overall scored points. Football was overall grooming and personality valuable lessons.” She inspired
won by Pre-Medical group, while Pre- development of students, so they students to always dream and think big.
GCU launches SDGs teaching, learning experiences
h e G ove r n m e n t C o l l e g e
University Lahore launched a
Tc a m p a i g n “ K n o w y o u r
Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs)” for mainstreaming United
Nations Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) in teaching and learning
experiences across the university.
The campaign, jointly initiated by the
University's Environment Protection
Society (EPS) in collaboration with the
Green Box, is aimed at supporting and
accelerating local and national
capacity of key stakeholders including through complexity, transcend paradigms, SDGs.
teachers and students to implement l e a r n t h r o u g h d i a l o g u e a n d The one-day workshop was attended by
the SDGs. communication, engage in deep faculty members and staff from across all
In his key note address at the workshop reflection, develop worldview and values academic disciplines in the university and
held in connection with the campaign's sensitivity, and assess when activities were provided with the knowledge, skills
launch, Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Asghar support or detract from achieving the and motivation to understand and address
Zaidi talked about the SDGs and their SDGs – as well as other important skills, the UN SDGs building on in-depth
relevance for the elderly people. knowledge and vocational expertise academic or vocational expertise to
The Vice Chancellor said that GCU which could help create more effective implement SDG solutions through
faculty members were well positioned SDG implementers and would also help teaching, lear ning and research
to provide learners with skills to think accelerate the implementation of all the processes at the university.