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Chinese New Year 2020
he Government College Government College
University Lahore Center of University Lahore
TExcellence, China Studies
(CECS) has organized a ceremony
to celebrate Chinese New Year
which was followed by an on-
campus solidarity walk titled “fight
out coronavirus, we stand by China.”
A good number of Chinese living in
Lahore also participated in the walk
from the Center of Excellence,
China Studies to Vice Chancellor's
GCU faculty members and students
along with the Chinese community
planted a sapling on the university's
campus in the memory of those
who lost their lives due to
Earlier, the day-long event was
marked by Chinese musical and Khalid Butt said celebrating and defense capabilities.
cultural festivities which included observing other cultures helped them The Chinese New Year celebration was
eating competition with chopsticks understanding their own. He said China followed by a cake-cutting and heartfelt
and Chinese calligraphy. had not only contributed immensely to blessings were delivered to the Chinese
Speaking on the occasion, Dean economic progress of Pakistan but has people by the students of Government
Faculty of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. also helped them in strengthening its College University.
Thought-provoking discussion on economic
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inequality at ThinkFest 2020
nfortunately these countries. “Contrary to the
achievements were common belief, economic
Uovershadowed by d eve l o p m e n t h a s ra t h e r
the sharp rise in income increased the inequality instead
and wealth inequality,” said of decreasing it,” he added.
Prof. Dr. Asghar Zaidi, a Speaking on the occasion,
social policy expert and the Mustafa Talpur said “this
VC of Government College e c o n o m i c d i s p a r i t y h a s
University while addressing pervasive consequences for
the book launch at the everyone; it stifles social mobility,
TinkFest2020. undermines social cohesion,
The book titled “Getting hurts long-term growth and
Even: Public Policies to select group of academics According to statistics, Vice r e i n fo r c e s i n e q u a l i t y o f
Tackle Inequality in Asia” is across Asia to examine and Chancellor Prof. Zaidi said, top 5 oppor tunities, and it also
edited by Mustafa Talpur bring forth positive stories about percent richest people held encourages crime, sparks
from Oxfam International. public policies to address approximately 70% of the corruption and can lead to
The book brings together a economic inequality. wealth in some of the Asian violent conflict,”.
Dry Flower Competion
he Intercollegiate and painting on the themes related to
Universities Dry Flower environment issues.
TCompetition 2020 was Government College Baghbanpora
held here at the Government was declared the overall winner of
College University Lahore this competition taking away six
under the auspices of its points in four different categories.
Horticulture Society. Students Addressing the ceremony, VC Prof.
from 12 different colleges and Zaidi appreciated the widespread
universities participated in five participation of students from 12
different competitions of dry different colleges and universities of
flower, shirt painting and poster Lahore.