Page 49 - GCU Quarterly
P. 49
Government College
University Lahore
GCU celebrates World Ozone Day
he World Ozone Day is observed Nations (UN).
on September 16, 2020 to Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Asghar Zaidi
Tspread awareness among chaired the seminar which was
people about the ozone layer and followed by a poster exhibition to raise
discover possible solutions to preserve awareness among the University
it. students about the Ozone layer.
In this connection, the Government Speaking on the occasion, Vice
College University Lahore Geography Chancellor Prof. Zaidi told students the
Department held a seminar pm the ozone layer, or ozone shield, is a region
theme “Ozone for Life: 35years of of Earth's stratosphere that contains a
Ozone layer protection” given by United high concentration of ozone (O3) and
how it absorbs about 97-99% of the change.
sun's harmful ultraviolet light rays, Later, the Government College
which otherwise would severely deter University Vice Chancellor visited the
life on Earth. poster exhibition based on themes of
He suggested that the Sustainable World Ozone Day, Ozone for Life, Ban
Development Goals (SDGs) of United Pollution; Ozone is precious, Ozone Page 48
Nations should have been the part of Depletion and Ozone healing.
this event. He stressed the importance C h a i r p e r s o n D e p a r t m e n t o f
of plantation of trees and population Geography Dr. Shakil Mahmood was
control to combat pollution and climate also present.
Group discussion on barriers of
inclusion at higher education
group discussion on “barriers of challenged Ravian Mr. Waqas Ahmed to and Safety Education Tariq Mehmood,
inclusion at higher education” support and fund physically challenged Dr Faisal Anees form UMT, Iffat Batool
Awas held here at Government students all across Pakistan. from GCU Psychology Department
College University Lahore. GCU Registrar Dr. Shaukat Ali, and special educationist Abdul Qudoos
Prof. Dr. Asghar Zaidi chaired the Sociology Department Incharge Dr. also participated in discussion.
discussion which was held under the Ayesha Farooq, PhD scholar Abdul Zania Chaudhry represented the
auspices of Pace 2 Life Welfare Basit Rana, Sonia Fareed, Dr Ashfaq transgender community in the
Foundation, a non-government from University of Education, discussion and highlighted their
organization founded by a physically Chairperson Center for Child Rights problems.
GCU holds webinar on coronavirus
vaccine and myths related to it
webinar on “Coronavirus internal medicine expert Dr. Faheem Addressing the webinar via zoom Dr.
vaccine and myths related to it” Younus and Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Younus said that two successful RNA-
Aw a s h e l d h e r e a t t h e Asghar Zaidi, was aimed at diminishing based vaccines (Pfizer and Modernma)
Government College University Lahore misconceptions regarding the would be soon available in the global
under the auspices of its Disease Coronavirus and its vaccines, while biotech market for all countries, and
Awareness and Prevention Society simultaneously providing exact explained their mode of operation.
(GCU-DAAPS). information to the university students DAAPS President Sarmad Bilal and
The two-hour webinar, addressed by the regarding its future prospects in coordina tor Sannan Vir k also
renowned infectious diseases and Pakistan. addressed the webinar..