Page 51 - GCU Quarterly
P. 51
Government College
University Lahore
GCU, Pink Pakistan sign accord to promote
women wellbeing, empowerment
memorandum of understating and External Links (AP&EL) at the poverty. “Pink Pakistan Trust aims to
was singed between the GCU, University's Meeting Rooms. empower breast cancer survivors to
ALahore and Pink Pakistan Trust, Particularly, both the two institutions will fight against the adverse social and
to work towards the achievement of work together for spreading awareness financial consequences caused by this
sustainable development goals (SDGS) to reduce the mortality rate due to disease,” she said.
of eradicating poverty, good health and breast cancer and promote women The Vice Chancellor Government
wellbeing, gender equality, reduced wellbeing and empowerment. College University Prof. Dr. Asghar Zaidi
inequalities and economic growth. Dr. Zubaida Qazi, President Pink briefed the participants about the
Prof. Dr. Asghar Zaidi and Pink Pakistan Pakistan Trust said that underprivileged initiatives taken by the GCU for women
Trust President signed the accord at a women are more likely to fall prey to development and showed his support
graceful ceremony organized by the serious diseases such as breast cancer to working with Pink Pakistan Trust for
GCU Directorate of Academic Planning due to lack of awareness caused by promoting female well- being.
Page 50
Call to eliminate social stigmas
attached to breast cancer
seminar and on-campus walk attached to this word “breast cancer”,
were held here a t the but today they had a lot of support
AG o v e r n m e n t C o l l e g e from media and gover nment
University Lahore in connection with institutes.
Pinktober 2020 to raise awareness District Health Education Officer Ms.
among female students and faculty Tahira Mariam briefed the students
members about the breast cancer. about the risk factors and methods
Speakers at the seminar laid stress of self-examination, saying if
to eliminate social stigmas attached detected at an early stage, the
to breast cancer and other female chance of surviving increases by up
diseases, saying girls in Pakistan to 90 per cent. She said that young
even feel shy talking to their parents girls was being diagnosed of the
about their basic health issues. disease at very alarming rate.
Vice Chancellor Prof. Asghar Zaidi She said that risk factors included
and senior faculty members along obesity, age, unhealthy diet, inactive
with their family members attended lifestyle, late child birth, radiation
the seminar. exposure and hormonal disturbance.
Speaking on the occasion, the S e h r C h a w a l a , a n e m i n e n t
founder of Pink Ribbon Pakistan, m o t i v a t i o n a l s p e a ke r, a l s o
O m e r A f t a b, l a i d s t r e s s o n addressed the seminar and
prevention, saying that according to encouraged the female students to
latest studies, 40 percent cases of speak up about their rights and
the breast cancer were preventable health issues.
by adopting active lifestyle, healthy Later, Vice Chancellor Government
eating and positive thinking. “Not only College University Prof. Dr. Asghar
physical, but your mental health is Zaidi and Omer Aftab led an on-
also important to prevent yourself campus awareness walk where
from different diseases,” he added. students were holding posters
He said that when they started this inscribed with motivational and
awareness in Pakistan, the media awareness messages about the
was not supportive due the stigma breast cancer.