Page 52 - GCU Quarterly
P. 52
Government College
University Lahore
GCU launches Drug Free Campus drive
h e G ove r n m e n t C o l l e g e The ceremony was also addressed by Jehangir Malik. The event was
University Lahore launched a Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) Regional organised in collaboration with a non-
T'Drug-Free Campus Drive' to Directorate Commander Brig Rashid government organisation, CHAMP, and
raise awareness on the issue among its M i n h a s , P u n j a b g o v e r n m e n t ANF Punjab.
students, staff, and faculty. Federal spokesperson Dr Zarqa Suharwardy, Prof Zaidi announced establishment of
Minister for Narcotics Control Azam Punjab Assembly members Zainab the GCU Anti-Narcotics Society,
Khan Swati inaugurated the campaign Umair and Ms Shawana Bashir and patronised by the federal minister for
at a ceremony held at the varsity's emeritus consultant psychiatrist, narcotics control and Prof Shakil Malik
Bukhari Auditorium.
as one of its external advisers.
University of Sussex, Prof Shakil
Universities asked to establish anti-narcotics societies
ederal Minister for Narcotics the GCU's footprints and establish
Control Muhammad Azam Khan students-led anti-narcotics societies.
FSwati has stressed that a The Federal Minister said, youth was
network of students-led anti-narcotics our future and our aim was to protect
societies should spread in all and nurture them so that they can lead
universities and colleges across a healthy and successful life. He
Pa k i s t a n , a l o n g t h e l i n e s o f assured that the Ministry of Narcotics
establishment of the GCU's Anti- will cooperate and suppor t all
Narcotics Society. initiatives of GCU's Anti-Narcotics
The purpose is to raise awareness, Society.
report suspicious activities and create Vice Chancellor stressed the need for
an environment in educational a meaningful collaboration among
institutions that is free of illicit drug use. student bodies and all agencies
He was addressing online the Advisory involved in narcotics control.
Board meeting of GCU Anti-Narcotics Spokesperson of Punjab Government,
Society established this year under his Dr. Zarqa Suharwardy, said drug abuse to play his or her best role in preventing
co-patronage with Vice Chancellor. as a social evil which destroys families people from addiction and use of drugs.
Mr. Swati appreciated GCU for taking a and social fabric of the Society. She MPA Ms. Talath Naqvi said for narcotics
lead in establishing Anti-Narcotics emphasised the need to make control, the society must provide
Society to make its campus drug free, educational institutions drug-free, alternative healthy and creative
and asked other universities to follow in saying that every individual would have activities to youth.