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now. I don’t know what they’re trying to dowhether they’re
         trying to get up a revolution. I hope at any rate they’ll put it
         off till after I’m gone. You see they want to disestablish ev-
         erything; but I’m a pretty big landowner here, and I don’t
         want to be disestablished. I wouldn’t have come over if I had
         thought they were going to behave like that,’ Mr. Touchett
         went  on  with  expanding  hilarity.  ‘I  came  over  because  I
         thought England was a safe country. I call it a regular fraud
         if  they  are  going  to  introduce  any  considerable  changes;
         there’ll be a large number disappointed in that case.’
            ‘Oh,  I  do  hope  they’ll  make  a  revolution!’  Isabel  ex-
         claimed ‘I should delight in seeing a revolution.’
            ‘Let me see,’ said her uncle, with a humorous intention; ‘I
         forget whether you’re on the side of the old or on the side of
         the new. I’ve heard you take such opposite views.’
            ‘I’m on the side of both. I guess I’m a little on the side
         of everything. In a revolution—after it was well begun—I
         think I should be a high, proud loyalist. One sympathizes
         more with them, and they’ve a chance to behave so exqui-
         sitely. I mean so picturesquely.’
            ‘I don’t know that I understand what you mean by be-
         having picturesquely, but it seems to me that you do that
         always, my dear.’
            ‘Oh, you lovely man, if I could believe that!’ the girl in-
            ‘I’m afraid, after all, you won’t have the pleasure of go-
         ing gracefully to the guillotine here just now,’ Mr. Touchett
         went on. ‘If you want to see a big outbreak you must pay us
         a long visit. You see, when you come to the point it wouldn’t

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