Page 102 - the-portrait-of-a-lady
P. 102

of human nature. But she felt moved to put in a protest on
         Lord Warburton’s behalf. ‘I don’t believe Lord Warburton’s
         a humbug; I don’t care what the others are. I should like to
         see Lord Warburton put to the test.’
            ‘Heaven deliver me from my friends!’ Mr. Touchett an-
         swered. ‘Lord Warburton’s a very amiable young man—a
         very fine young man. He has a hundred thousand a year.
         He owns fifty thousand acres of the soil of this little island
         and ever so many other things besides. He has half a dozen
         houses to live in. He has a seat in Parliament as I have one
         at my own dinner-table. He has elegant tastes—cares for lit-
         erature, for art, for science, for charming young ladies. The
         most elegant is his taste for the new views. It affords him a
         great deal of pleasure—more perhaps than anything else,
         except  the  young  ladies.  His  old  house  over  there—what
         does  he  call  it,  Lockleigh?—is  very  attractive;  but  I  don’t
         think it’s as pleasant as this. That doesn’t matter, however—
         he has so many others. His views don’t hurt any one as far
         as I can see; they certainly don’t hurt himself. And if there
         were to be a revolution he would come off very easily. They
         wouldn’t touch him, they’d leave him as he is: he’s too much
            ‘Ah, he couldn’t be a martyr even if he wished!’ Isabel
         sighed. ‘That’s a very poor position.’
            ‘He’ll never be a martyr unless you make him one,’ said
         the old man.
            Isabel shook her head; there might have been something
         laughable in the fact that she did it with a touch of melan-
         choly. ‘I shall never make any one a martyr.’

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