Page 104 - the-portrait-of-a-lady
P. 104

Chapter 9

         The two Misses Molyneux, this nobleman’s sisters, came
         presently to call upon her, and Isabel took a fancy to the
         young ladies, who appeared to her to show a most original
         stamp. It is true that when she described them to her cousin
         by that term he declared that no epithet could be less ap-
         plicable than this to the two Misses Molyneux, since there
         were fifty thousand young women in England who exact-
         ly  resembled  them.  Deprived  of  this  advantage,  however,
         Isabel’s visitors retained that of an extreme sweetness and
         shyness of demeanour, and of having, as she thought, eyes
         like the balanced basins, the circles of ‘ornamental water,’
         set, in parterres, among the geraniums.
            ‘They’re not morbid, at any rate, whatever they are,’ our
         heroine said to herself; and she deemed this a great charm,
         for two or three of the friends of her girlhood had been re-
         grettably open to the charge (they would have been so nice
         without it), to say nothing of Isabel’s having occasionally
         suspected it as a tendency of her own. The Misses Moly-
         neux were not in their first youth, but they had bright, fresh
         complexions and something of the smile of childhood. Yes,
         their  eyes,  which  Isabel  admired,  were  round,  quiet  and
         contented, and their figures, also of a generous roundness,
         were  encased  in  sealskin  jackets.  Their  friendliness  was
         great, so great that they were almost embarrassed to show

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