P. 214
Anna Karenina
fancied she was not in a placid state of mind, but in that
worried mood, which Dolly knew well with herself, and
which does not come without cause, and for the most part
covers dissatisfaction with self. After dinner, Anna went up
to her room to dress, and Dolly followed her.
‘How queer you are today!’ Dolly said to her.
‘I? Do you think so? I’m not queer, but I’m nasty. I am
like that sometimes. I keep feeling as if I could cry. It’s
very stupid, but it’ll pass off,’ said Anna quickly, and she
bent her flushed face over a tiny bag in which she was
packing a nightcap and some cambric handkerchiefs. Her
eyes were particulary bright, and were continually
swimming with tears. ‘In the same way I didn’t want to
leave Petersburg, and now I don’t want to go away from
‘You came here and did a good deed,’ said Dolly,
looking intently at her.
Anna looked at her with eyes wet with tears.
‘Don’t say that, Dolly. I’ve done nothing, and could do
nothing. I often wonder why people are all in league to
spoil me. What have I done, and what could I do? In your
heart there was found love enough to forgive..’
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