P. 296

Anna Karenina

                                     ‘Oh, how can you steal upon anyone like that! How
                                  you startled me!’ she responded. ‘Please don’t talk to me
                                  about the opera; you know nothing about music. I’d
                                  better meet you on your own ground, and talk about your

                                  majolica and engravings. Come now, what treasure have
                                  yo been buying lately at the old curiosity shops?’
                                     ‘Would you like me to show you? But you don’t
                                  understand such things.’
                                     ‘Oh, do show me! I’ve been learning about them at
                                  those—what’s their names?...the bankers...they’ve some
                                  splendid engravings. They showed them to us.’
                                     ‘Why, have you been at the Schuetzburgs?’ asked the
                                  hostess from the samovar.
                                     ‘Yes, ma chere. They asked my husband and me to
                                  dinner, and told us the sauce at that dinner cost a hundred
                                  pounds,’ Princess Myakaya said, speaking loudly, and
                                  conscious everyone was listening; ‘and very nasty sauce it
                                  was, some green mess. We had to ask them, and I made
                                  them sauce for eighteen pence, and everybody was very
                                  much pleased with it. I can’t run to hundred-pound
                                     ‘She’s unique!’ said the lady of the house.
                                     ‘Marvelous!’ said someone.

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