Page 19 - CodeWatcher Summer 2017
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Low impact development strategies like preserving large trees, avoiding disturbing activities on slopes exceeding 20 percent to avoid
erosion, and orienting homes along the contours of the ground preserve the land while provide stunning views for residents.
Driveway widths are limited to 10 feet, and finished comprehensive sustainable resource management principles
driveway surfaces on level sites are limited to 12 inches above when developing and managing properties” to achieve
the adjacent existing grade. Hammerhead turnarounds economic and environmental goals and sustain them long-
reduce land disturbance, and underground utility lines are term. Through the program, the farm receives research and
installed as closely as possible to the driveway to reduce costs planning on ways to integrate conservation, protection of
and minimize clearing. water quality, management of farm and forestry, education
and sustainable residential development.
Considering All Neighbors Audubon International also provides a management
A unique way the Bundoran Farm minimizes its impact plan that summarizes recommendations for the farm and
on its environment is through its commitment to dark sky outlines both goals and management approaches for the
protection. The farm uses “good neighbor lighting” concepts, natural resources of the farm. These include forests, streams,
which provide quality lighting without harming the local wetlands, wildlife, native plants and invasive species.
ecology or trespassing into adjacent properties. These The plan also includes opportunities to include cattle man-
include “fully-shielded” fixtures that prevent light from agement and orchard operations in the farm’s operations
going up or sideways, fixtures that maximize effectiveness in order to show how sustainable practices can provide re-
on the targeted area while minimizing impacts elsewhere, sources to humans while maintaining a healthy ecosystem.
and the use of timers and motion-detector switches. Finally, the management plan includes outreach and
Another concept is to use fixtures with high-efficiency educational programs the farm can engage in. This may be
lamps, like low-pressure sodium or high-pressure sodium one of the most important aspects of this project: leading by
lamps where yellowish light is sufficient. example and illustrating how to build entire communities
Bundoran Farm is currently working with Audubon better than code while providing lifestyles and amenities
International to become a certified Gold Signature new home buyers seek. CW
Sanctuary. According to Audubon International’s website,
the program aims to “help landowners and managers follow Erin Schroeder is a freelance writer and editor based in St. Charles, Mo. Summer 2017 / CodeWatcher 19