Page 24 - Green Builder Magazine January 2016 Digital Edition
P. 24


                                                                           On the Horizon

                                                                           W HAT IF ALL THE GLASS SURFACES of all the
                                                                                               world’s skyscrapers could generate clean
                                                                                               electricity? One company, SolarWindow
                                                                                               Technologies, has developed the concept into
                                                                           a marketable product: a transparent, energy-generating coating
                                                                           that can be installed on glass and plastic.

                                                                              Organic photovoltaic cells, which consist of active layers and
                                                                           conducting layers, have been engineered to absorb light in the
                                                                           UV and near-infrared spectrums but allow visible light to pass
                                                                           through. Unlike conventional solar cells, these organic PV cells
                                                                           don’t require direct rays of light to function; they even work in
                                                                           the shade or under artificial light. Consequently, SolarWindow
                                                                           can be applied to all four sides of a building. The flexible veneers
                                                                           can also be applied to existing windows.

Food Security. The University of Buffalo team grew several                 CREDIT: THOMAS KELSEY, U.S. DOE SOLAR DECATHLON
varieties of tomatoes in their project home’s “GroWlarium,” along                                                                                                                                                                                              CREDIT: SOLARWINDOW TECHNOLOGIES
with herbs, flowers and other veggies.
                                                                              The SolarWindow Technologies team, led by Dr. Scott
281-square-foot dry module relax area. The building envelope               Hammond, worked with NREL through a Cooperative Research
is constructed with structural insulated panels (SIPs), two high-          and Development Grant to develop SolarWindow.
-performance sliding glass doors and high-performance fixed
windows. Another 1,440 square feet of shaded exterior deck extend             Though not commercially available yet, the company has
the living space.                                                          issued a number of “forward-looking statements” regarding
                                                                           its product. Among them, it claims the technology has the
  In cold weather, plants can be started inside the 320-square-foot        potential for a one-year payback, and that one 50-story building
GRoWlarium. A canopy covers and shades the enclosed portion of             can generate 50 times the energy of a similarly sized building
the house and serves as a trellis for plants. Rolling planters can be      equipped with rooftop solar array. Rather than building a new
wheeled outdoors for the summer.                                           manufacturing facility, SolarWindow Technologies plans to license
                                                                           the technology to other companies that already manufacture
  Montante Solar and SolarCity are among the project’s sponsors, and       glass and/or windows. The initial target is commercial windows
the home also features an active solar array: a 7-kW, 24-panel PV system.  for skyscrapers and other commercial buildings, but eventually,
With a rated efficiency of 17.2 percent, the array will produce 9 MWh per  the SolarWindow coating will be available for many types of
year, almost twice as much energy as the house consumes. A four-zone       windows, curtain walls, and other surfaces.
HVAC system works on an as-needed basis to condition space within
the house, and an energy recovery ventilator improves efficiency. GB       Learn more: HTTP://SOLARWINDOW.COM

22 GREEN BUILDER January/February 2016                                                                         
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