Page 25 - Green Builder Magazine January 2016 Digital Edition
P. 25

A W A R D S2015 Green Home of the Year

                                                                                                                This year’s homes have upped the ante on
                                                                                                                overall sustainability. Several of our
                                                                                                                winners have achieved net-zero energy or
                                                                                                                are net-zero ready; in addition, our expert
                                                                                                                panel of judges evaluated the projects on
                                                                                                                comprehensive criteria, including siting,
                                                                                                                the depth of building science employed,
                                                                                                                materials sourcing and reuse and overall
                                                                                                                resilience. We hope you find these homes
                                                                                                                as inspiring as we do.

                           Bill Rectanus is the                                 Sam Hagerman is co-founder                                  Steve Byers gets up every day (nearly)
                           vice president of                                    and co-owner of Hammer &                                    excited to go to work and lead the
                           Homebuilding                                         Hand, a Portland- and Seattle-                              incredible staff of professionals at
                           Operations for Thrive                                based construction company                                  EnergyLogic. Based in Colorado,
                           Home Builders. His                                   dedicated to inciting evolution                             EnergyLogic serves a wide variety of
                           responsibilities include                             in building through service,                                clients in the residential and light
                           the management and                                   craft and science. Founded in                               commercial energy efficiency and
                           oversight of the                                     1995, his firm specializes in                               sustainability spaces. “In short, we help
                           construction,                                        high-performance building in                                make buildings better,” he says. Steve
purchasing and customer service                      the commercial and residential realms, with projects        started his professional life as a pilot in the Air Force, after
departments. In addition to his daily                such as Pumpkin Ridge Passive House, recent                 graduating from the Air Force Academy. He “stumbled into”
responsibilities, Bill is also responsible for       recipient of U.S. Department of Energy’s Housing            energy and sustainability and spent several wonderful years
the implementation of Thrive Home                    Innovation Award. Sam is an active member of the            at Southface Energy institute in Atlanta before striking out
Builders’ “High Performance Building                 U.S. building science community, both through his           on his own. He and his wife, Wynne Maggi, started a
Initiative.” Bill is very active in the Denver       leadership of the national Passive House movement           company which eventually morphed into EnergyLogic.
homebuilding industry, where he serves on            (he served as inaugural president of Passive House          He is blessed with a pair of talented daughters, a great
the Board of Directors for the Home                  Alliance U.S.) and through his high performance             community and the great hope that he will continue to find
Builders Association of Metro Denver.                building praxis at Hammer & Hand.                           new and exciting things to do in this life.                                                                                                                                      January/February 2016 GREEN BUILDER 23
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