Page 28 - Green Builder Magazine January 2016 Digital Edition
P. 28

All 42 homes in the community are designed for zero-energy

living and are 5-Star Built Green certified. This voluntary certification    PROJECT STATS

program, developed by the Master Builders Association of King and              NAME: Rainier Vista Community, Seattle, WA

Snohomish Counties, establishes environmental standards for energy             DEVELOPER: Keith Hammer, Dwell Development
                      efficiency, water use and indoor air
                                                                               ARCHITECT/DESIGNER: Julian Weber, Julian Weber
JFurodmgesthe         quality. Each home features solar-                       Architects
                      ready rooftop configurations,
                      advanced framing, high-impact                            BUILDER: Anthony Maschmedt, Dwell Development
                      insulation, triple-glazed windows,             

                      radiant heat systems powered by                          INTERIOR DESIGNER: Abbey Maschmedt, Dwell
“This project is a    tankless water heaters and heat
great example of      recovery ventilation systems. The                        PHOTOS: Tucker English Photography
                      community also includes the Cork
                                                                           reclaimed materials were carefully sought out for exterior siding,
how to create a       Haus, Seattle’s first speculative                    floors, countertops and tile.
                      Passive House.
                                                                             The goal of the project was to create a community within the
pleasing, efficient,    Dwell Development partnered                        bustling Columbia City neighborhood that brings together like-
                      with Julian Weber Architects                         minded individuals who value community, sustainability and
zero-energy-ready                                                          modern design. The homes are arranged in micro-blocks: clusters of
high-density          (JWA), a local architecture firm                     six to eight homes around an outdoor common area, which includes a
                      that specializes in green homes                      shared garden and informal gathering spaces. The pedestrian-friendly
                      and modern design. JWA was                           location near the Light Rail Station and the retail and dining district
                                                                           in Downtown Columbia City help further reduce the community’s
neighborhood.”        able to deliver 42 different                         carbon footprint.
                      blueprints, each designed to

                      optimize energy performance,

                      including specific window

placement and roof configurations that maximize solar gain.

Environmentally conscious elements were integrated into the

process, from initial designs to final interior touches, while unique

Responsible Materials. The homes incorporate many recycled and reclaimed materials, including NovuStone countertops made from
recycled glass, cabinets from Seattle cabinetmaker Abodian and flooring from reclaimed wood.

26 GREEN BUILDER January/February 2016                           
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