Page 51 - Special Awards Issue 2016 Green Builder Magazine
P. 51

Which company offers the                                         Which company offers the
greenest VENTILATION FANS?                                       greenest WORK VEHICLES?

Delta Breez	           250 	25.0%                                Toyota	         282 	28.2%
Panasonic	             244 	24.4%                                Ford	           256 	25.6%
Fantech (SystemAir)	   198 	19.8%                                Chevy	          126 	12.6%
Broan-NuTone	          144 	14.4%                                Mercedes-Benz	  86 	8.6%
Air King	              132 	13.2%                                Nissan	         78 	7.8%
S&P	                   32 	3.2%                                  Dodge Ram	      75 	7.5%
                                                                 GMC	            66 	6.6%
FRESH AIR. Delta Breez leapt to the top spot this year. The      Sprinter	       32 	3.2%
company markets its fans, most of which qualify for the Energy
Star Most Efficient label, specifically for green construction.

Rate how easy it is to access                                    Do you AGREE OR DISAGREE
SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS in                                          with the following statements?
each product category.
                                                                 	                                        AGREE 	 DISAGREE
1=Most Green Options;                                                                                     58.0%	42.0%
2=Some Green Options;                                            It’s getting easier to tell
3=Fewest Green Options                                           sustainable brands from
                                                                 ones that are simply “greenwashing.”	

	 1	 2 	 3                                                       The quality of eco-friendly products
                                                                 is generally improving from year to year.	 91.7%	8.3%
Roofing	25.7%	58.9%	15.4%

Structure	20.4%	59.9%	19.8%                                      Brand is more important than
                                                                 price when it comes to choosing
Siding	25.4%	57.7%	16.9%                                         between two similar green products.	

Insulation	42.3%	44.5%	13.2%                                                                              50.3%	49.7%

HVAC	33.9%	51.4%	14.7%                                           I tend to assume a green
                                                                 product will be of higher
Windows	               47.7%	41.4%	 11.0%                        quality if I know and trust the brand.	  74.2%	25.8%

Appliances	            46.1%	37.9%	 16.0%

Faucets	29.2%	53.0%	17.9%                                        When specifying green products
                                                                 and materials, I typically start with
Fixtures	25.7%	54.9%	19.4%                                       a known brand and go from there.	        82.5%	17.5%

Countertops	25.7%	56.7%	17.6%

Cabinets	24.8%	56.4%	18.8%                                       CLEARLY SUSTAINABLE. This year, a majority of our pros
                                                                 believe they can separate truly sustainable brands from
Paints and Adhesives	  29.8%	46.7%	23.5%                         greenwashed ones. We agree with them: increasing
                                                                 transparency is making it harder to disguise inferior products
Lighting	              49.5%	37.9%	 12.5%                        with false claims.

Home Automation	       26.0%	 53.6%	20.4%	                                       Special Awards Issue 2016  GREEN BUILDER 49
   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56