Page 24 - Green Builder Homeowner's Handbook 2016
P. 24

The Homeowner’s Handbook SEVENTH EDITION


Select the best defense for your climate.

 Your roof should protect your                                                     Asphalt Composition Roofing
 home from the elements for at
 least 50 years. Make sure your                                                    Virtues                             Caveats

Iinvestment counts.T WASN’T LONG ago that roofing wasn’t much more than an         ¦¦ Affordable and widely available  ¦¦ Petroleum by-product
         afterthought—chosen for a house mostly for economic and                                                       ¦¦ Low recycling potential
         occasionally for aesthetic reasons, if you could afford it.               ¦¦ Familiar to installers           ¦¦ Relatively short lifespan
            But lately, roofing is recognized among the materials that                                                 ¦¦ May leach chemicals into runoff
         can make a significant difference in a home’s energy and                  ¦¦ New finishes increase heat
         resource efficiency, spurring debate (and propaganda) about                 reflection
         issues ranging from recycled content and recyclability to
   reflective values and durability—all of which work into a thoughtful            At the same time, cooler shingles last longer, so they’ve increased
   consideration of which roofing material makes the most sense for                their likely service life. Recycling programs, which convert asphalt
   your house.                                                                     shingles into roads, are also becoming more prevalent. You can
                                                                                   help by choosing a roofing contractor who participates in such
   ASPHALT                                                                         programs.
   Cool Roof Shingles

   Commanding an 83 percent share of the residential roofing
   market is no accident. Asphalt composition roofing (right),
   includes conventional three-tab and newer, thicker fiberglass and
   laminated types. These products offer affordable options generally
   designed to last a maximum of about 25 years.

      Asphalt’s biggest environmental bugaboo is that it’s derived from
   petroleum processing, feeding fossil fuel demand. It’s also tough
   to recycle. But the industry has responded to the call for better
   eco-performance with colors and granular formations that better
   reflect the sun’s heat, reducing the amount that is absorbed into
   the roof and attic or living spaces below and lessening demand on
   the home’s heating system—and therefore the energy it consumes.

      Recent “cool roof” asphalt composition shingle offerings, in
   fact, have achieved federal Energy Star status for their reflective
   values, helping reduce peak cooling demand by up to 15 percent.

VISION HOUSE® AT MARIPOSA MEADOWS SPONSOR                                                                              GAF Timberline Cool Roof

                    Fabral Standing Seam Metal Roof Panels                                                             Timberline series fiberglass-
                                                                                                                       asphalt shingles from GAF feature
                          Durable, low-maintenance metal roofing sheds                                                 reflective surface granules to
                          snow and protects the home from extreme                                                      reduce attic heat gain and
                          weather. Standing seam panels are finished with the                                          cooling energy use. The Energy
                          Enduracote paint system, which is guaranteed with a                                          Star-qualified shingles also contain
                          lifetime film integrity warranty and a 30-year warranty                                      patented algae protection with
                          against color fading.                                                                        a 10-year warranty.

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