Page 25 - Green Builder Homeowner's Handbook 2016
P. 25

Exteriors / Roofing / Structure / Insulation / IAQ / Windows / Heating / Lighting / Appliances / Faucets & Fixtures / Finishes / Cabinets & Tops / Alternative Energy

METAL                                                                     Metal Roofing
Decades of Performance
Set aside any visions of cheap tin roofs. Today’s metal roofing—most      Virtues                            Caveats
of it made from recycled steel—is a lot tougher and aesthetically
appealing than the corrugated sections that shelter shacks and barns.     ¦¦ High durability                 ¦¦ Higher initial cost
                                                                          ¦¦ Infrared finishes reflect heat
  That said, metal roofing (right) still makes a distinct fashion         ¦¦ High recycled content           ¦¦ Susceptible to impact
statement. Long rows of sleek metal, separated by slight ridges           ¦¦ 100 percent recyclable            or walking damage
(called standing seam) are a departure from tiles and shingles. Metal’s   ¦¦ Fireproof
market share in single-family housing has more than tripled (to 7                                            ¦¦ Colors may fade
percent) since 2004.
                                                                                                             ¦¦ Recyclable does not always
  That’s partly because metal roofing has a strong environmental                                               mean “recycled”
story, when you consider the amount of recycled steel it contains, its
durability (usually 50 years or longer), and the fact that the material                              Glossary of Terms
can be 100 percent recycled at end of life.
                                                                                      Know the Lingo
  More recently, the metal roofing industry has introduced cool roof
finishes that reflect the sun’s infrared light to reduce heat absorption  ¦¦ Deck: The substrate over which roofing is applied—usually
into the structure by as much as 36 percent; some manufacturers
have also partnered with thin-film solar electric suppliers to create        plywood, wood boards or planks.
integrated solar arrays within the panel channels, to generate            ¦¦ Drip Edge: An installed lip that keeps shingles up
renewable energy.
                                                                             off the deck at edges and extends shingles out over
  The industry has also expanded its styling, forming and coloring           eaves and gutters to prevent water from wicking up and under
panels to simulate curved clay tiles or individual shingle shapes, for       the shingles.
a broader range of housing styles.                                        ¦¦ Exposure: The area on any roofing material that is left
                                                                             exposed to the elements.
WOOD                                                                      ¦¦ Flashing: Materials used to waterproof a roof around
Natural, to a Point                                                          any projections.
Wood shingles and shakes (p. 23) are the only roofing material            ¦¦ Granules: Crushed rock that is coated with a ceramic coating
that can claim to come from a renewable resource (trees), although           and fired, used as top surface on shingles.
it’s important to find out how and where that timber is harvested.        ¦¦ Ice Dam: Formed when snow melts on a roof and
A wood roof can easily last 50 years if installed and maintained             re-freezes at the eave areas. Ice dams force water to
properly. Wood shingles applied over a vented roof deck will remain          “back up” under shingles and cause leakage.
cooler, dry out faster and generally last longer.                         ¦¦ Laminated Shingles: Asphalt-based shingles made
                                                                             from two separate pieces that are laminated together.
  Wood’s only serious drawback is its inherent flammability and              Also called dimensional shingles or architectural shingles.
susceptibility to moisture-related damage over the years. Because         ¦¦ Soffit Ventilation: Intake ventilation installed under
of these qualities, fire- and rot-resistant chemical finishes are often      the eaves or at the roof edge.
applied—and may need to be re-applied in later years.                     ¦¦ Steep-Slope Roofing: Refers to slopes steeper than a
                                                                             4” rise for every 12” of length (expressed as 4:12).
RECYCLED POLYMER                                                          ¦¦ Tear-Off: Removal of existing roofing materials down
Reuse Rubber and Plastic                                                     to the roof deck.
Lightweight, affordable, easy to install and theoretically recyclable,    ¦¦ Valleys: Areas where two adjoining sloped roof planes
recycled polymer roofing products are gaining attention in the mar-          intersect on a roof, creating a “V”-shaped depression.
ketplace. By preventing the extraction and transport of virgin raw
materials, recycled roofing products are considered very sustainable.     SOURCE: GAF MATERIALS CORP.

  However, the product does require packaging and transportation                 The Homeowner’s Handbook 2016  GREEN BUILDER 23
to the manufacturer’s facility for reuse. And some reclaimed rooftop

     Huber ZIP System

       The ZIP System is a structural roof and wall
       system that consists of sheathing and tape.
       It includes water resistance and an air barrier
       that streamlines the weatherization process.
       To install, put up the panels and tape the
       seams. ZIP System is 40 percent quicker to
       apply than housewrap. It comes in 6,000;
       215,000; and 340,000 square feet.
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