Page 38 - Green Builder Homeowner's Handbook 2016
P. 38

The Homeowner’s Handbook SEVENTH EDITION

Why Homeowners Don’t Use Range
Hoods—­—­—and Why They Should

                                                                                                                                                    CREDIT: DOE TOUR OF ZERO

 Home occupants are not using                                             Only 8 percent of the participants used their ventilation system
                                                                          whenever they cooked, while 8 percent used ventilation “almost
 range hoods to control moisture,                                         never,” and 15 percent used ventilation only “once in a while.”

 but “smart” range hoods will do                                            The most common reasons cited for using a kitchen ventilation
                                                                          system were to control odors and smoke. Noise was the most com-
 this task automatically.ONTROLLING MOISTURE BUILD-UP in the home         mon reason for avoiding the kitchen ventilation system.

                      is one of the most important strategies for ensur-  OUR RECOMMENDATIONS
                      ing healthy indoor air. A continually moist en-     Since people are more likely to use a fan if it isn’t noisy, always spec
                      vironment harbors biological pollutants such as     an Energy Star-rated unit. Range hoods that have earned the Energy
                                                                          Star label are not only 70 percent more efficient, they must also
Cmold and dust mites, which can trigger asthma                            meet standards for noise and efficacy. The Energy Star website also
                      and other respiratory illnesses.                    includes a searchable database:
    Regular use of kitchen exhaust ventilation systems can help con-
 trol moisture. Yet, according to a study published by the Forum for        One of the best innovations in range hood technology in recent
 Family and Consumer Issues (FFCI), most people don’t use range           years has been particle- and heat-sensing devices. In our view, these
 hoods for moisture control, but for other issues, such as smoke          devices should become the de facto standard across the industry.
 and odors. The study, Use of Kitchen Ventilation: Impact on Indoor       Further, it’s time for range hoods to be integrated with the Internet
 Air Quality, found that noise is a major factor, as is homeowner         of Things. For homeowners, reluctant or not, there would be clear
 ignorance about the importance of ventilating a modern home.             health benefits to regular use of range hoods. And for those who
    Most of the participants (92 percent) reported having mechani-        choose not to use the hoods, devices that are “smart” can automati-
 cal kitchen ventilation systems. Here’s the really interesting part:     cally kick on anyway, clearing the air for everyone else who lives
                                                                          in the building. Visit to read the full study.

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