Page 40 - Green Builder Homeowner's Handbook 2016
P. 40

The Homeowner’s Handbook SEVENTH EDITION


Look for performance, warranty and durability.

Window manufacturers are                                                                        How Windows Handle Energy                                                    GRAPHIC INSPIRED BY FINE HOMEBUILDING
not only creating more durable
and energy-efficient products,                                                                 CONDUCTION
they’re tailoring glazing options for
specific climates.INDOW TECHNOLOGY HAS improved by leaps                                       is the direct
                                                                                               transfer of heat
                           and bounds over the past few years. Today, you                      through the window
                           can get a high-performance window that looks                        to the outdoors.
                           good and performs well at any price point.
W The windows you select for your house—
                           whether retrofit or new—must meet your                              is the movement
 local energy code requirements at a minimum and ideally should                                of heat as infrared
 be Energy Star-qualified for your home’s climate.                                             energy through
                                                                                               the glass.
 The Right Window                                                                              AIR LEAKAGE
 If you want to reduce utility bills, you need to consider the impact
 of windows. In climates with a significant heating season, windows                            is the passage
 have represented a major source of unwanted heat loss, discomfort                             of heated air
 and condensation problems. But today it is possible to have lower                             through cracks and
 heat loss, less air leakage and warmer window surfaces that improve                           around weather
 comfort and minimize condensation.                                                            stripping.

    Similarly, in climates that mainly require cooling, windows typically                      CONVECTION
 represent a major source of unwanted heat gain—but low-E finishes
 that reject solar heat without darkening the glass have changed the                           occurs when air
 rules. These glazings significantly reduce solar heat gain and improve                        gives up its heat
 comfort, at the same time providing clear views and daylight.                                 to the cooler glass
                                                                                               and sinks toward the
    As an example, a study by the Efficient Windows Collaborative                              ?oor. This movement
 ( shows that the annual heating cost                                 sucks new, warmer
 of a typical house in Boston drops from about $750 a year to $550                             air toward the glass
 (24 percent) by switching from double-pane windows to triple-pane                             that is in turn cooled,
                                                                                               creating a draft.
                            EuroLine Windows Inc. 4700-Series                                  VISION HOUSE® AT MARIPOSA MEADOWS PRODUCT
                            ThermoPlus Tilt and Turn Windows                                   Schlage Sense Deadbolt

                                    These European-style windows combine a six-chamber         With keyless entry, built-in alarms and durable design,
                                    vinyl-fiberglass hybrid frame with optional foam inserts   this multi-function lock offers control via simple access
                                    and triple-pane insulating glazing to achieve the thermal  codes, so homeowners never have to worry about losing,
                                    performance needed for passive solar house design—at       hiding, carrying or forgetting their house keys again.
                                    a considerably lower cost. One easy-to-operate handle      The touchscreen deadbolt connects with Nexia Home
         moves the multi-point locking hardware into place, locking the window on all          Intelligence, enabling homeowners to manage their home security from
         sides for higher security and a tighter seal.                anywhere. At ANSI Grade 1, the touchscreen deadbolt boasts the highest
                                                                                               level of security and durability for residential door locks.
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