Page 43 - Green Builder Homeowner's Handbook 2016
P. 43

Exteriors / Roofing / Structure / Insulation / IAQ / Windows / Heating / Lighting / Appliances / Faucets & Fixtures / Finishes / Cabinets & Tops / Alternative Energy

of transmitted radiation.                                                  Replace, Restore or Enhance?                                        CREDIT: LORRI SIPES
  Ultraviolet (UV) rays are the most harmful radiation in sunlight.
                                                                        REPLACING OLD SINGLE-
They are the most energetic and thus most likely to break chemical                PANE WINDOWS can
bonds, leading to fading and degradation.                                         greatly increase the
                                                                        energy efficiency of your home.
  Finishes on glass can reduce the UV transmitted by up to 75           But in some cases, replacing
percent. UV absorbers can be incorporated into thin plastic films       windows is not possible, either
in multilayer windows or as an interlayer in laminated glass.           because of the expense or
In both cases, the UV transmission can be reduced to less than 1        because you want to retain the
percent. However, it is important to note that the remaining visible    historical integrity of your house.
light that is transmitted can still cause fading in some materials.     In this case, you have two options:
Using low-E coated glass or windows incorporating plastic layers
rather than clear uncoated glass will reduce fading.                    Wood Window Restoration. Typically, damage occurs to
                                                                        wood windows when paint isn’t maintained and water enters
ANOTHER WINDOW PERK                                                     the wood, and compromised weatherstripping can cause drafts.
                                                                        Careful restoration can bring your vintage wood windows back
Smaller HVAC Equipment                                                  (see photo above). Depending on the state of neglect, steps may
                                                                        include: 1) stripping and sanding, 2) repairing any rot, 3) reglazing
High-performance windows can reduce utility bills, and they also        (setting the glass), 4) replacing damaged sash cords, 5) painting
reduce peak heating and cooling loads. The peak load for a building     and caulking, and 6) weatherstripping. Once repaired, the most
is the maximum requirement for heating or cooling at a given time.      important thing you can do is maintain your wood windows by
This load is important, because it determines the size of the furnace,  keeping them painted.
heat pump, air conditioner and/or ventilating fans that must be
installed. Reducing the peak load may allow homeowners to install a     Low-E Storm Windows. You can enhance your existing
smaller HVAC system, which costs less up front—and less to operate.     windows’ performance by adding low-E storm windows on
                                                                        either the interior or exterior. If your windows are standard
  Properly sized HVAC systems offer a number of advantages to           sizes, you can find matching storms at your local Big Box
homeowners. First, by running more constantly, smaller equipment        store. A study conducted by the Pacific Northwest National
provides the best air quality and comfort. Second, HVAC systems         Laboratory shows that low-E storm windows can result in
that are more closely matched to peak cooling loads achieve             whole-house energy savings of 10 percent. And because they
better dehumidification, which prevents mold. Several calculating       cost significantly less than replacement windows, you’ll see the
procedure can be found to help with proper sizing of HVAC               payback in five to seven years.
equipment. That’s really the HVAC installer’s job, but if you want to
do your own calculations, there’s a simple piece of software out there
called the HVAC-Calc Residential 4.0, which costs $49 (available at You enter in some information about
your home (or proposed new home), and it helps you figure out the
optimal size and type of equipment you need for best performance and
energy efficiency. GB

                            Tilt-and-Turn Advantages

European-style tilt-and-turn windows         Clear Advantages. ThermoPlus               for double and triple glazing that is often
are gaining popularity in the U.S., in part  Windows from EuroLine Windows              thicker than in other window types.
because of their performance in Passive      Inc. are made in North America. The        Security. One handle moves the multi-
House projects. Tilt-and-turn windows        triple-pane glass can be customized        point locking hardware into place, locking
are designed to swing in like a casement     depending on the window location.          the window on all sides for higher security
window or tilt in at the top. The design                                                and a tighter seal.
offers several advantages:                   Energy Efficiency. The complete seal       Customization. Walls facing the south
Cleaning and Egress. The windows swing                                                  and west can be fitted with a glass
in, allowing for quick air exchange, easy    on tilt-and-turn windows keeps air from    combination that captures heat from the
cleaning and optimal egress in case of                                                  sun during winter, while providing a good
emergencies.                                 leaking through. Their design also allows  thermal performance. On the north and
Ventilation. The tilt-at-the-top function                                               east, a glass combination designed to
provides draft-free air exchange between                                                minimize heat loss through the windows
rooms.                                                                                  can be installed.	                                              The Homeowner’s Handbook 2016  GREEN BUILDER 41
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