Page 46 - Green Builder Homeowner's Handbook 2016
P. 46

The Homeowner’s Handbook SEVENTH EDITION

Everything You Need to

Know About Radiant Heat

 Consider the four big benefits of radiant heat, and you’ll understand

 why it is poised to grow as the heating system of choice in today’s

 high-performance homes.

RADIANT FLOOR HEATING—A concept that’s been
                  around since ancient Roman times—isn’t a tough sys-
                  tem to understand, install, operate or maintain. In fact,
                  it’s one of those systems people hear about and think,
                  “Wow. I’d like to have heated water circulating under-
                  neath my floor, warming everything it touches.”
Here are the four key benefits of
in-floor radiant heat systems:                                                                                                                     CREDIT: UPONOR


“Comfort” is a key reason people consider installing a radiant heat
system in their house. With radiant, heat slowly rises from the floor
as opposed to blowing down at different temperatures with a forced-
air system. Radiant floor heating produces room temperatures at
75 °F at floor level, declining to 68 °F at eye level, and then to 61 °F
at the ceiling.

  According to the Radiant Panel Association, a radiant heat floor
normally feels “neutral” with a surface temperature lower than
normal body temperature, although the overall sensation is one of

# 2: EFFICIENCY                                                           # 4: COST

The water in a hydronic radiant floor system has the capacity to          Before looking at cost, consider durability: A radiant system lasts
transport energy 3,500 times greater than air, so it can heat (and        two to three times longer than a typical furnace, primarily because it
even cool) using less energy than a forced-air system. This amounts       doesn’t have as many moving parts. The boiler system can last 20 to
to greater comfort at a lower thermostat setting, which provides          30 years; the piping in the floor—radiant heat system manufacturer
reduced energy use and lower energy bills.                                Uponor offers a durable crosslinked polyethylene (PEX)—will last
                                                                          for the life of the home.
  In fact, more people are comfortable with radiant floor heating
set at a lower thermostat setting than with forced-air heating at           The actual costs for installation and equipment vary greatly, de-
a higher setting. In addition, a radiant heating system works in          pending on the manufacturer, type of system, the size of area to be
zones, allowing different areas of a home to be at varying tem-           heated, type of zoning and controls required, flooring type and labor
peratures.                                                                cost. There are other factors as well, such as whether you are ripping
                                                                          out an existing floor or installing the system in a new concrete floor.
                                                                            While radiant is more expensive up front than a forced-air sys-
A radiant floor heating system provides very high indoor air quality      tem, by rolling it into your mortgage you can enjoy the benefits of
because it does not use fans or blowers, which can circulate dirt,        the system immediately; if you choose forced air, you pay less up
dust and other allergens throughout a home. Plus, warm radiant            front but will have higher utility bills, lower indoor air quality and
floors can eliminate the need for carpeting, which is a breeding          reduced comfort.
ground for dust mites, a very common cause of allergy-related
respiratory diseases.                                                       To learn how radiant heat systems work, visit Uponor at www.


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