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  Not only were the first residential LED products expensive, the                 3 Lighting Control Devices                                    CREDIT: LEVITON
quality of the light was disappointing. LEDs are directional light                      Every Home Needs
sources, which means they emit light in a specific direction, unlike
incandescent and compact fluorescent bulbs, which emit light and                It should come as no surprise that lights
heat in all directions. For this reason, LED fixtures use light and             can use a lot of energy, especially if they are
energy more efficiently in many applications; however, they are also            left on when not in use. Energy-efficient
prone to casting a harsh “spotlight,” rather than a diffuse, even light.        bulbs are the most obvious solution to
Another issue was light quality, which was much cooler than the                 saving energy and money when it comes
warm incandescent bulbs we grew up with. LED products include                   to lighting in the home. Lighting control
a Kelvin rating, which measures the light’s color temperature. In               devices can help to reduce energy usage
general, lighting in the 2,700 to 3,000 K range is pleasing to most             and energy costs even further. These allow
people; the higher the number, the “whiter” the light. For comparison,          homeowners to customize the amount of
incandescent bulbs range between 2,700 and 2,800 K.                             light used, and can ensure that lighting is
                                                                                only used when needed. Here are three solutions to consider:
  LED choices have expanded rapidly, from can light and bulb ret-
rofits to dedicated LED fixtures that include internal drivers that             Universal Dimmers
transform their higher voltage to household voltage. Although LED
light quality issues have largely been solved, you still need to be selec-      What They Do: Dimmer light switches (see above photo) can
tive. LED bulbs that have earned Energy Star certification are subject          help to reduce energy usage by decreasing lighting levels, and
to specific requirements designed to replicate the experience you are           thus decreasing the amount of energy used to keep lights on.
used to with a standard A-type bulb, so they can be used for a wide
variety of applications. A general-purpose LED bulb that is not certi-          Where to Install: Universal dimmers are ideal lighting control
fied may not distribute light in all directions and could prove to be a         devices for most areas within a home, giving you the ability to
disappointment if used in a table lamp.                                         control lighting levels for any task at hand.

CFLS                                                                            Occupancy Sensors
Not Without Issues
                                                                                What They Do: Occupancy sensors ensure lights aren’t left
Compact fluorescent lights, or CFLs, also produce light differently             on when they’re not needed. They automatically turn the
than incandescent bulbs. In an incandescent, electric current runs              lights on when motion is detected and turn the lights off
through a wire filament and heats the filament until it starts to glow.         when the room has been vacated.
With a CFL, an electric current is driven through a tube contain-
ing argon and a small amount of mercury vapor. This generates                   Where to Install: Occupancy sensors are perfect for entry
invisible ultraviolet light, which excites the fluorescent phosphor             ways in the home, such as near a door or garage door leading
coating on the inside of the tube, which then emits visible light.              to the house, a laundry room, utility closet or anywhere where
                                                                                “hands-free” lighting control is desired.
  CFLs need a little more energy when they are first turned on, but
once the electricity starts moving, CFLs use about 70 percent less              Lighting Automation Solutions
energy than incandescent bulbs. Older CFLs used large and heavy
magnetic ballasts that caused a buzzing noise in some bulbs. Most               What They Do: For homeowners looking to take their
CFLs today (and all Energy Star-certified CFLs) use electronic ballasts,        lighting control to the next level, lighting automation devices
which do not buzz or hum.                                                       are the ideal solution. Devices with Z-Wave radio frequency
                                                                                technology, such as Leviton’s line of Vizia RF + devices, offer
  CFLs used to have cost and light quality advantages over LEDs,                one-touch control of lights; they also allow you to set lighting
but both of those gaps are closing quickly. Without question, LEDs              “scenes” for certain times of day or events.
are the lights of the future.
                                                                                Where to Install: Lighting automation solutions are ideal
CONNECTED LIGHTING                                                              for living rooms, TV rooms or rooms with lots of windows.
Maximizing Efficiencies                                                         Lighting levels can be adjusted according to time of day and
                                                                                the availability of natural light.
Smart lighting can adjust itself to changing light conditions or oc-
cupancy; it can also be programmed to turn on an off at certain                 Source: Leviton
times. Some smart lights even “learn” occupant behavior and adjust
accordingly. Increasingly, connected lights are part of comprehen-          creating “scenes”—coordinated actions among various wireless
sive energy management systems. In many cases, these lights can             devices—for specific events.
be synced to other features or devices—so long as they all speak
the same wireless “language.” One example of this is the Caséta               Wireless lighting saves the hassle of having to break through
Wireless System, offered by Pennsylvania-based Lutron Electronics.          drywall to wire new outlets and switches. If you’re converting to
Through their mobile app, you can control not only your home’s              LED lamps or fixtures anyway, this might be a good time to add
lighting, but also the position of shades and thermostat settings,          wireless sensors and controls. GB	                                                  The Homeowner’s Handbook 2016  GREEN BUILDER 47
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