Page 53 - Green Builder Homeowner's Handbook 2016
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cooktops, microwaves and range hoods can help reduce energy                WASHERS AND DRYERS
use while improving the quality of life around your home.                  Advances in Conservation

  Ranges. The kitchen range is a dual oven/cooktop, and is available       The average American family does more than 400 loads of laundry
in electric, natural gas and dual fuel. The benefit of a dual-fuel range   a year, so even modest energy and water savings can greatly impact
is that it has the benefits of gas burners on the cooktop, but offers      overall natural resource conservation. Reducing water while doing the
the stable temperatures of oven cooking with electricity. Cooktops         laundry has gotten easier in the past decade, thanks in large part to
are also available using electrical induction, which creates a magnetic    the advancement (and acceptance) of front-loading washing machines.
field that heats pans directly, unlike traditional electric resistance
coils, which use conduction to transfer heat.                                While top-loading machines still have their place in the market,
                                                                           front-loading units use up to one-third less water, reduce the wear
  Microwaves. Often an afterthought when finishing a kitchen,              on clothes, and require less detergent. By using gravity to move the
microwaves can create a more energy-efficient and comfortable              clothes inside the drum instead of a spindle, front-loading washers
kitchen when used properly. Energy consumption can be reduced              also conserve electricity while providing more effective spin cycles.
by up to 80 percent when smaller portions are heated up in the
microwave instead of the oven. Also, using a microwave instead of            Two terms to be familiar with when evaluating washing machines
the oven will reduce the amount of heat generated in the kitchen.          are modified energy factor (MEF) and water factor (WF). The higher
                                                                           the MEF, the more energy efficient the model. This rating takes into
  Range Hoods. These are important in the kitchen for several              account not only the energy used during the course of cleaning the
reasons. First, the ventilation removes unwanted moisture, which could     clothes, but also the energy used to heat the water and run the dryer.
lead to mold issues in the home. It also exhausts heat, smoke and cooking  The WF rates the water efficiency of the unit based on its size. The
odors from the home. A quality hood also offers task lighting above the    lower the WF, the more water efficient the washer.
range, which will increase safety around hot burners.
                                                                             Using the MEF and WF, along with an Energy Star label and the
What to Know                                                               EnergyGuide label can help you determine which washer set will
                                                                           conserve resources yet still perform well.
  ¦¦ Induction ranges are more energy efficient than traditional
ranges, but can only be used with ferrous (steel or iron) cookware.        What to Know

  ¦¦ Flat cooktops are not necessarily induction ranges.                     ¦¦ Dryers with moisture sensors can greatly reduce energy use.
  ¦¦ Most flat-surfaced cooktops simply use electric resistance heaters      ¦¦ Most HE (high efficiency) washers use special low-sudsing
under a ceramic cover.                                                     detergent.
  ¦¦ There is no Energy Star label for residential ovens, ranges or          ¦¦ Energy Star specifications for clothes dryers took effect on
microwave ovens at this time.                                              January 1st of this year. GB

Save Big with Condensation Clothes Dryers

C LOTHES DRYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE for                                        How do condensation dryers work?                    CREDIT: BOSCH
                    6 percent of a home’s total energy usage,
                    according to the Consumer Energy Center.               1. Ambient (cool) air
                    This is partly because they use temperature-           enters the dryer.
                    controlled air from inside a home, and then            2. Ambient air enters
pump it out. In the winter, a home furnace must make up                    heat exchanger
for the warm air lost. In the summer, air cooled by an air                 and is heated.
conditioner is used and re-heated in the dryer.                            3. Ambient air
On the other hand, condensation clothes dryers work on a loop              (warm and dry) exits
system. Air is drawn into the loop, goes through the dryer system          heat exchanger.
and then is reused,instead of being pumped outside.
                                                                           4. Process (heated)
Though these units still carry a higher price tag, they do result in       air enters drum to
significant energy and cost savings. estimated LG’s           absorb moisture
model, Whirlpool Duet WED99HEDW, can save homeowners                       and dry load.
50 percent on the cost of drying clothes. Bosch makes a                    5. Process air (wet) enters heat exchangers,
few condensation clothes dryers, such as the 24” Compact                   is cooled releasing moisture.
Condensation Dryer 800 Series. That unit consumes 311 kW per               6. Process air (dry) exits heat exchanger.
year, far less than the nearly 1,000 kW per year used by traditional       7. Process air enters heater and is heated up.
clothes dryers, according to the Department of Energy.
                                                                           Drain. Water is collected and pumped into the drain.	                                                 The Homeowner’s Handbook 2016  GREEN BUILDER 51
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