Page 66 - Green Builder Homeowner's Handbook 2016
P. 66

The Homeowner’s Handbook SEVENTH EDITION

Alternative Energy13
               Transitioning to a future free of fossil fuels.

 Renewable energy systems                                                                               Glossary of Terms

 can take a well-designed,                                                              Know the Lingo

 energy-efficient home to                                                    ¦¦ Inverter: Device that converts direct current (DC) electricity
                                                                                 into alternating current (AC), the type of power most
 net-zero-energy status.                                                         commonly used by U.S. appliances and light fixtures.

P RODUCTION OF ELECTRICITY and hot water at home                             ¦¦ Grid-Tied: Electricity produced on site (from photovoltaic
                  using natural energy from the sun is nothing new.              panels, wind turbines, etc.) is fed directly into local power
                  But technologies have greatly improved over the past           lines, rather than being stored in batteries.
                  few years. Not only do they cost less to install, but
                  they’re more reliable, more efficient—and simply           ¦¦ Cogeneration: Production of electricity from heat that would
                  a better deal. In addition, the supporting hardware            otherwise be wasted, such as hot flue gases produced by a
   is vastly superior to the old stuff. The politics of alternative              gas-powered furnace or boiler.
   energy is changing too, albeit more slowly than many would
   like. In many states, utilities are now required to buy back any          ¦¦ Wind Maps: Useful for siting (and evaluating the viability
   “extra” electricity you produce. And both wind turbines and solar             of) wind turbines, wind maps show how much wind can be
   installations are eligible for 30 percent tax credits with no upper           expected in a geographic region or specific site.
   limit from the federal government, plus certain state and utility
   incentives. If you’re looking at alternative systems, here’s some         ¦¦ Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV): Electricity
   essential information.                                                        generating solar panels that have been designed to resemble
                                                                                 various familiar types of roofing.
   Lighter Wind Demands                                                      ¦¦ Standby Heat Loss: Heat lost by hot water that is sitting
                                                                                 passively in a storage tank or pipes. Super-insulated hot water
   Small-scale wind turbines that create electricity have always been            tanks greatly reduce this loss.
   a fairly specialized form of power generation—most valuable in
   mountainous and coastal regions. The challenge has been to build      winds of just 8 miles per hour.
   a turbine that produces adequate electricity, even in low wind, to       The advantage of wind power over PV? The wind often blows
   make it worth the cost. We’re getting much closer. For example,
   both the Swift ( and the Skystream           when it’s dark outside. But before you buy, take a look at the national
   ( turbines begin producing power in           wind map published by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
                                                                         (NREL). You’ll see that not every area of the United States is well
                                                                         suited for wind-powered living. In fact, if you live in any of the
                                                                         Southeast states—and you don’t have a place right on the water—
                                                                         wind is a long shot. You will make a lot more power with a good
                                                                         solar PV setup.

     KOHLER Home Generators                                              Grundfos SQE Residential
                                                                         Groundwater Pump
       You won’t worry about power outages
       with a KOHLER home generator. Offering                            Unlike conventional well pumps, the Grundfos SQE
       standby power, each unit runs on liquid                           residential groundwater pump provides constant
       propane or natural gas and requires a smaller                     pressure, no matter how many faucets are being
       installation footprint, because it’s roughly half                 used. At three inches in diameter, the lightweight,
       the size of larger-kW counterparts. KOHLER                        easy-to-install unit has an intelligent built-in variable
       generators can be controlled remotely from a                      speed motor that automatically increases or
       smartphone, tablet or computer.                                   decreases its speed, depending upon the amount of                                          water consumed.

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