Page 67 - Green Builder Homeowner's Handbook 2016
P. 67

Exteriors / Roofing / Structure / Insulation / IAQ / Windows / Heating / Lighting / Appliances / Faucets & Fixtures / Finishes / Cabinets & Tops / Alternative Energy

Ways to go SOLAR                                                                               PRO TIP:

  Lease or Own? The rise of solar                                                              Make Ready. Even if you don’t
  leasing programs is putting solar
  arrays on more rooftops. A leased                                                            plan to install solar electric panels
  system must be grid-tied; if you
  own your system, you will have to                                                            or solar hot water now, if you pre-
  weigh the pros and cons of being
  tied to the grid or not.                                                                     wire and pre-plumb, you can save

                                                                                               thousands on a later installation.


                                                                                 Photovoltaic   Wind    Controller Grid-Tie
                                                                                     panel     Turbine                  Inverter

THE ARC HOUSE SPONSOR                                                            Different Approaches to Solar at Home

SMA Sunny Boy Storage                                                            Creating electricity with either photovoltaic panels or wind turbines typically
Battery Inverter                                                                 begins with production of direct current (DC) electricity. That current then
                                                                                 passes through a transformer to become the typical alternating current (AC)
The Sunny Boy Storage transformerless                                            used in almost all homes (aside from some RVs and boats). Most modern
battery inverter converts electricity from                                       systems do not include battery storage, simply because battery technology
high-voltage battery to the grid, and vice                                       has not matured enough to warrant the expense and environmental impacts.
versa. The inverter, which was first introduced                                  That may change in the next few years, but for now, the best bet is a grid-
in Europe, is lightweight, affordable and                                        connected system that can later be reconfigured for advanced batteries.
efficient, and it is compatible with high-
voltage batteries from several manufacturers.                                                  RESIDENTIAL SOLAR ARRAY BY NRG HOME SOLAR
The SMA Sunny Boy Storage battery inverter                                                                                   WWW.NRGHOMESOLAR.COM
can be used in both retrofits and new PV installations. It will be available in
3.8- and 6.0-kW models.
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