Page 69 - Green Builder Homeowner's Handbook 2016
P. 69

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on the savings.                                                                         Solar Roof Area
  Solar leasing programs are not available in every state (or in every
                                                                            There are a number of different things you
region of a given state); however, the largest providers are continu-       need to know before calculating the roof area
ally expanding their territories. Companies that offer solar leases are     required for your solar panel installation:
SolarCity, SunPower, Sunrun, Sungevity, Real Goods Solar and NRG
Home Solar (                                           1. The size of the system.
                                                                             2. The type and dimensions of the solar panels.
SOLAR HOT WATER                                                                 (You can get these from the solar panel datasheet.)
Smart Storage                                                                3. The spacing between solar panels.
                                                                             4. The orientation of the panels.
The availability of extremely durable hot water storage tanks—
which in some cases also serve as water heaters—has made solar              Once you’ve gathered this information,
hot water collection even more viable. Many tanks now include a             here’s how to calculate the area required:
separate closed loop of a freeze-resistant liquid. That extra loop is
specifically for solar hot water—so that when the sun is shining,             Size of the system (watts) ÷ size of the solar panel (watts)
the solar panels on the roof heat the clean water in the tank.                                   = number of panels required.
But when the sun is not sufficient (or you have teenagers using up
the “free” hot water) an external boiler or heating system built into                    Example: 5-kW system ÷ 250 W = 20 panels
the tank kicks on to make up the difference.
                                                                                         Each panel measures 1,680 mm x 996 mm,
   One of the great advantages of a solar hot water system is the                                 or 1.68 m x 0.996 m = 1.67 m2
relatively rapid payback. In other words, if you install this year, it
may pay for itself in less than three years, especially once you figure                  Total Area = 20 panels x 1.67 m2 = 33.40 m2
in the tax credits and rebates available.
                                                                             A little bit of space will also be needed between each panel
COGENERATION                                                                 for fixing the panels to the racks—this will depend on what
Waste Not                                                                    type of racking system is used.
                                                                             Orientation. If you don’t have enough roof space on a single
Cogeneration has been common at large factories for decades. It’s            roof face, consider splitting your system into two different
basically a way of squeezing more work out of fossil fuels. Also             orientations. The best orientation for panels (in the Northern
known as combined heat and power (CHP) generation systems, these             Hemisphere) is south. East and west are slightly less efficient
mechanical wonders put the waste heat generated by a home furnace            (around 9 percent less). If you split your panels between your
or boiler to work making electricity. By some estimates, they achieve        south and west roofs evenly, you would only lose around
90 percent efficiency, compared with 30 to 40 percent from your local        4.5 percent of your overall system capacity.
power station. If you’re already replacing or installing a new boiler
or furnace, why not take it to another level and try cogeneration?       Battery banks have long been a staple of off-grid systems, but home
                                                                         batteries for grid-tied systems are just around the corner. Electric
RESILIENCE                                                               vehicle batteries paired with the right EV charger are another up-and-
Back-Up Plan                                                             coming back-up power source. In this way, different power sources
                                                                         become part of a dynamic system that not only makes your home
A renewable energy system can be part of a strategy for keeping          more resilient, but turns it into a dynamic participant in the grid
your home powered up during storms and power outages. Grid-tied          rather than just an end user. GB
solar PV systems aren’t available when the grid powers down, so
it’s necessary to have a back-up plan. While gas- or propane-fired
generators are a good conventional source of back-up power, other
options are becoming available. Some inverter manufacturers are
starting to build in a limited amount of storage into their products.
Stand-alone solar panels can be used to power specific appliances.

SMA Sunny Boy TL-US                                                      Bosch eBike Systems
Inverter with Secure
Power Supply                                                             Available for the North
                                                                         American market in 2016,
The Sunny Boy TL-US can provide up                                       Bosch’s eBike system consists
to 1,500 watts of daytime power to a                                     of an electrified drive unit,
dedicated power outlet during prolonged                                  battery pack, computerized
power outages, without using batteries.                                  control panel and charger.
This transformerless inverter is 97.6                                    An eBike can be part of an
percent efficient and is able to accept a                                overall strategy for reducing
wide input voltage range.                                                emissions and building resilience, especially if you charge with solar                                                      power.”	                                               The Homeowner’s Handbook 2016  GREEN BUILDER 67
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