Page 11 - January 2019
P. 11
International Awareness & Involvement Committee the children. Their mission is to love and care for child
Observes trafficking victims through housing, services, and long-
term commitment, and to prevent children from becom-
Human Trafficking Awareness Month
ing victims by educating children, and professionals who
work with children, about human trafficking.
The Department of Homeland Security
defines Human Trafficking as modern- Human trafficking is definitely a present
day slavery - a multi-billion dollar crimi- danger to Alabama and its communities.
nal industry that denies freedom to 20.9 Insight was provided about warning signs
million people around the world. It in- and risk factors that put women and chil-
volves the use of force, fraud, or coer- dren at a greater risk of being trafficked.
cion to obtain some type of labor or Those in attendance actively engaged in
commercial sex act. Human Trafficking the event by asking questions and
is the second largest criminal enterprise providing examples of possible attempts
in the world. Every year thousands of of becoming a victim. It was a totally en-
women and children fall into the hands gaging and successful event.
of traffickers, in their own countries and
abroad. Almost every country in the Demographics for the event were di-
world is affected by trafficking. It has verse. There were 114 attendees. Seven-
been the focus of both international and ty guests from the community were pre-
national attention. Throughout the world sent. Most of the guests were from Ala-
we are witnessing legislation being bama State University. Local churches
passed to enhance penalties of the per- and organizations were also represented.
petrators. Thirty-seven members of Montgomery
(AL) Alumnae Chapter attended. There were 7 members
Members of the International Awareness and Involve- from the local collegiate chapters of Omicron Mu and
ment Committee participated in and organized a Human Beta Eta. Attendees age range was from under 13 years
Trafficking Community Training and Awareness Forum old to 55 plus. There was 1 person under 13; 3 teens; 55
on January 26, 2019 at the Fortitude Building. It was young adults; 36 adults and 19 seniors.
entitled “A Global Problem In Our Own Backyard” and
highlighted the prevalence of Human Trafficking and its
impact on our communities. Human Trafficking is our problem and if we
see something, we must say something.
Training and Awareness was provided by Lauren Hartin,
Esquire and Co-Founder of Blanket Fort Hope. Blanket
Fort Hope is a fortress of safety for child victims of hu-
man trafficking, forging a path of purpose and hope for