Page 8 - January 2019
P. 8
Founders Day 2019
The Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter celebrated Green Beans with shredded carrots on top, mashed
106 years of the founding of Delta Sigma Theta So- potatoes, fresh baked rolls and butter, chocolate
rority, Incorporated on Saturday, January 12, 2019, mousse cake and New York style cheesecake with a
at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Montgomery, AL. violet sauce created especially for the occasion, so-
The 16 National President, Dr. Thelma T. Daley, rors were surprised and impressed as our 16 Na-
served as the presiding officer of the Rededication tional President took time to greet sorors at each
Ceremony that preceded the Founders Day Celebra- table in the assembly. This was a first for many who
tion. attended Founders Day to have someone of this
prominence to display such a gesture of sisterly
Following the Rededication Ceremony, the proces- love. Soror Daley’s momentum continued with her
sional for the celebration luncheon entered the room profound message which challenged us on several
with more than three hundred (300) sorors repre- levels. During her speech, one of her memorable
senting two (2) states. The atmosphere and ambi- statements that wowed the sorors was, “If you want
ance gave the feeling of a Regional Conference or a pearl, find a Delta.”
National Convention event. The room was beautiful-
ly decorated with flowers draping the dais, table set- Soror Jaunita Owes recognized sorors with 25 and
tings on red chargers with hurricane lamps and can- 50 years of membership in the sorority as appropri-
dles. The focal point of the entire room was the tow- ate plaques and pins were presented by Soror
ering replica of the sculptor, Fortitude, created by Brown. In addition to the 25 and 50 year recogni-
Soror Pamela Barnes. The mesmerizing depiction tion, Soror Brown recognized and introduced MAC’s
of Fortitude had the full attention of Soror Daley. So- Precious Pearls. The Precious Pearls. a concept
ror Cassandra W. Conway, Founders Day Chair, created by the chapter president, were members
welcomed the sorors in attendance. The theme for with 65 or more years in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,
the occasion was, “Pearls of Wisdom in Leadership, Incorporated. The Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chap-
Service and the Lifetime Commitment”. After the in- ter has four members that met the criteria. Collec-
troduction of the dais by R. MaChea’ Jones, 1 Vice tively, the 2019 Precious Pearls represented 275
President, Soror Cassandra E. Brown, Chapter years of service and sisterhood. The sorors recog-
President, gave a unique, engaging and scientific nized were Annie Patrick (Gamma Tau – Spring
greeting comparing the bond of our sisterhood to 1949), Mattie Frost (Gamma Tau – Fall 1949), Doris
that of a covalent bond (the strongest chemical bond Sanders (Gamma Tau – Fall 1949) and Jean Sharon
known to man). She encouraged sorors to honor Porter (Alpha Zeta – 1953). The Precious Pearls
and appreciate the vision of the Founders. Soror were presented with plaques and framed portraits.
Catrina Waters delivered the invocation that remind- They were elated to receive the recognition, but
ed all to be thankful and continue to “do unto others beamed with joy as sorors stood to show their love
as we would have them do unto us.” The occasion and gratitude for MAC’s Precious Pearls.
for the celebration was explored through the Delta
Oath presented by Crystal Crump, 2 Vice presi- Soror Cassandra E. Brown closed out the day by
dent. thanking everyone for making this a Founders Day
to remember. She also thanked and recognized so-
The audience was definitely entertained with musical rors form visiting chapters. Visiting the celebration
performances by the Delta Aires under the direction were Auburn, Columbus (GA), Marietta-Roswell,
of Soror Melanie F. Handy. Selections included Selma, Southwest Alabama, and Stone Mountain-
“Champions”, “After This” and “Every Praise”. Equal- Lithonia Alumnae Chapters. Collegiate members
ly impressive was the moving inspirational dance to from Beta Eta and Omicron Mu were in attendance
“Rise Up”, performed by Sorors Brittany Pettaway, as well. Each attendee left the event with a com-
Courtnee’ Bell, Lauren Blanding, Talia Harper, Patri- memorative charm created from the image of the
cia Kimbrough and LaKesha Shahid. The dance chapter’s logo and a translucent red vanity case.
very fittingly incorporated the “Fortitude stance”.
While a delicious lunch was being served which in-
cluded: a Garden Salad, Chicken Marsala breaded
and sautéed with Marsala Mushroom Sauce, French